for your protection, or mine

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"...Curiosity?" I repeated.

He hummed with a nod. "Yes...I would like to know you better." He paused. "As a courtier, of course." He added, lifting a hand to gesture toward me as he straightened up.

"Yes, of course." I quickly averted my gaze, hoping to hide the blush that crept up my cheeks.

I pressed my lips together as we sat in silence for a moment, until a knock on the door returned the formality between us. I held my breath, watching as the king cleared his throat.

"My lord," the door swung open, and a man with a calm yet unfamiliar voice spoke behind me. "May I...?"

"Ah, Balian." The king's gaze shifted toward the door. "Yes, do come in."

I heard the growing footsteps of this man called Balian that I had not known yet, slowly coming closer to the study where we sat. The king seemed to be liking him as his eyes softened when the man with slightly long hair in armor reached my view, standing cautiously in front of the king.

"I suppose you haven't had the pleasure of meeting our new court member, Lady Y/n of Constantinople." The king said, gesturing me.

I looked up at the man standing beside me.

He stared at me with a barely noticeable nod. "I'm afraid not, sire." He turned to the king again.

"Y/n, I would like to introduce you to Lord Balian of Ibelin, an honorable nobleman of our kingdom."

I bowed my head politely before Baldwin continued. "He shall protect you against the ones with ill intentions when I'm not there to protect you."

"My king," I spoke hesitantly, "I am grateful for your thoughtfulness. But I do consider myself capable."

"I am sure you were at some point, and maybe still are." he said. "But you have to understand that you will need protection both inside and outside of this palace."

I tilted my head in confusion.

"Not many people will appreciate your ideas as much as I do, and some will find excuses to harm you in some ways that you might not think of. I cannot let that happen."

My eyebrows furrowed at his words. I had escaped Constantinople to be safe in Jerusalem, and already gained enemies there too. It must have shown on my face, for the king leaned in and gently lifted my chin, making me meet his strong gaze.

"You will be safe in my presence; I will make sure of it. But in case I am not present, you will still be protected by those I entrust you to." He spoke with a low voice, before he let me go and leaned back in his chair. "Balian is staying in Ibelin, but he will be at your service if necessary."

I lowered my gaze, clasping my hands together on my lap. "I understand."

I saw Balian nodding respectfully from the corner of my eye before the king dismissed him. I suppose the decision had been made before it was revealed to me. I waited in silence until I heard the door closing once more, leaving us with only the sound of burning candle wick as we sat in private.

"My lord," I spoke.


"If a woman with no power needs protection in this kingdom, how would we ever call it the kingdom of peace?" I stared at him.

"Who says you have no power?" he tilted his head, staring back at me. The neutral expression of his mask made it impossible to figure him out. "You are the only woman who could silence Guy besides my sister Sibylla. How could someone with no power do such a thing?"

"It was because your majesty was present." I replied.

He shook his head slightly. "No, it was your presence that commanded respect. Your words carry weight because they come from a place of sincerity and wisdom."

Fate | Baldwin IVWhere stories live. Discover now