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Baldwin's POV

Each passing day I found it harder and harder to compose my thoughts. Something didn't feel right somehow. I didn't know what it was, maybe it was the fevers that blurred my mind, maybe it was the girl I was beginning to fantasize about.

"Your majesty," Patriarch Heraclius addressed, breaking my reverie. His voice, though usually commanding, carried a rare note of levity. "The engagement of your half-sister Isabella is approaching. Have the preparations for the celebration been finalized?"

I nodded absently, my mind still clouded with thoughts. "Yes, of course," I murmured, barely registering the question. The room fell silent, and I could sense the curious glances exchanged among the council members. The matter of Isabella's engagement was somewhat significant, and my distracted response unfortunately did not go unnoticed.

Raymond cleared his throat, steering the conversation back to the pressing issues. "Perhaps we should discuss the situation of our borders in more detail."

The mention of the borders snapped me back to the present. I straightened in my seat, trying to regain my focus. "Yes, the borders," I said more firmly, yet my voice still lacked conviction. "We will strengthen them."

Patriarch gave me a nod. "We cannot afford to appear vulnerable against these infidels." he said, his tone ever so prideful.

I turned to him, my gaze set forward in annoyance. "In their eyes we are the infidels."

He looked at me with bulging eyes. "That is blasphemy." He spat as he straightened up and looked away, visibly appalled.

I leaned back in my seat with a deep breath as I turned my attention to the nobles of the court.

Guy of Lusignan leaned forward, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Perhaps we should consult with all influential voices in the court. I believe the last time the topic was discussed, something as ridiculous as reorganizing the command structure was an option."

His implication drew murmurs from the assembled nobles. My grip on the table tightened. "Perhaps I should carry on with that first." I spoke. It took all my effort to keep my voice neutral. "I value the counsel of everyone who has proven their loyalty and wisdom, regardless of their position."

Guy shrugged, his smile never wavering. "Of course, your majesty. I meant no offense."

Raymond interjected, his tone smooth as he redirected the conversation. "We should also consider strengthening our alliances. Reinforcing our ties with the Greeks after the recent coronation of young emperor Alexios could prove beneficial."

I nodded. "Indeed. We need every ally we can muster. On that note, I will have Lady Y/n's insights be discussed separately."

Patriarch Heraclius leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing. "Your Majesty, it is more important to address the concerns of the nobility. Does Jerusalem need the insight of a woman to make a decision?"

I met his gaze, my patience wearing thin. "It is the insight of someone coming from Constantinople herself," I said, my voice cold. "Her perspective could offer us a unique advantage."

Heraclius smirked slightly. "A unique advantage, perhaps. But it seems to me that some are more interested in her... presence than her counsel."

The council members exchanged glances but remained silent. I clenched my jaw, trying my best to maintain my composure.

"Then I would suggest to those that it would be in their best interest to keep it out of the high court." I allowed myself a brief smile, ignoring the insinuation. I knew it was directed at me, but a defensive response would mean giving in. "Personal matters should not interfere with our duties. Now, if there are no further questions, let us conclude this meeting."

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