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Y/n's POV

The feeling of cool breeze on my skin, the gentle pressure of a damp cloth on my forehead, and the sounds of the outside world... My eyelids fluttered open, and I found myself in the unfamiliar yet comfortable bed. I turned my head slightly, and there, sitting in a chair beside me, was the king.

He was engrossed in a book, his posture relaxed yet attentive. The sight of him brought a rush of memories—crying in the rain, Raymond finding me, being brought to Baldwin's chambers... My expression turned sour with embarrassment.

"Hello," he greeted, his voice gentle as he looked up from his book.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to clear the haze of sleep. "Hello," I replied quietly. The rain was no longer, and the daytime was replaced by the dull, gray clouds. I pulled the blankets to my chin, watching the curtains flowing as the open windows let the cool air in. "How long have I been sleeping?"

"Not too long," he replied, marking his place in the book before setting it aside. "It's only evening."

I sighed, bringing my hands to my face. "I apologize." I mumbled, my voice coming out muffled. "I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"It's quite alright," he said, his gentle voice reassuring. "You needed rest."

I held back a yawn, my body still heavy with fatigue. "I feel like I've slept through all the way to tomorrow."

"You had a fever," he explained, "confusion is natural."

I nodded, putting the cloth on my forehead away and slowly taking in my surroundings. The flickering light of candles around us made the atmosphere more intimate than it should have. I propped myself up on my elbows, feeling embarrassed under his gaze.

"You can lie down," he said. "I don't mind."

I averted my eyes, sitting up slowly. "Perhaps it would be better if I sat instead."

He gave me a small nod, watching me as I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. An awkward silence settled between us, my unladylike position making me even more embarrassed.

"I was worried when Raymond found you outside." he broke the silence eventually.

"I'm sorry," I repeated, feeling a flush of shame. "I...don't know why I did that."

He leaned forward slightly, his eyes understanding. "Perhaps you needed to be there at that moment. Not everything makes sense immediately."

For a moment, we simply looked at each other, a profound silence filling the space between us after his unique approach to the situation.

"And," he added, breaking the silence. "Again, you had a fever. Hence the confusion." he repeated, the corners of his eyes creasing.

I stared at him, trying to understand the man in front of me. At times he was wise, speaking beyond his years, at times a mere young man as simple as I am. But he was never easy to read.

"Do you remember much of what happened?" he asked gently.

"Yes," I admitted, a sigh escaping my lips. "I was in the library and...the physician came in. I asked him to tell me about your majesty's condition." I lowered my eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize," he said quickly, shaking his head. "You had every right to know."

I smiled faintly, appreciating his kindness. "I knew about it." I placed my chin on top of my knees. "I just didn't know what it could do to detail."

"Now that you know," he began, his tender voice trailing off, "are you afraid?"

I thought about it for a moment before replying. "Not of you, but..." I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts and searching for the right words, "maybe of waking up one day and hearing the bells of the church too soon, and suddenly all of us are mourning, yes. Of that I am afraid."

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