encounter II

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Aisha's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly regained her composure. "Yes, my lady," she replied, casting me an apologetic look as she gathered her things and exited the room.

I watched her go, my heart pounding in my chest. The woman who had entered was a stranger to me, but her presence was undeniably commanding. She turned her gaze towards me, and I felt an uncomfortable shiver run down my spine.

"Do you know who I am?" she asked, her tone as cold as the stone walls around us.

I shook my head, feeling a wave of fear and vulnerability wash over me.

She took a step towards me, "I am the king's mother," she declared, her eyes boring into mine.

The revelation struck me like a bolt of lightning. The king's mother. Here, in the bathing chamber, with me naked and exposed in the tub. I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment, my body instinctively trying to sink lower into the water.

She approached the tub in silence, her footsteps echoing ominously. Without a word, she picked up the cloth that Aisha had left behind and began to scrub my arm where Aisha had left off. Her touch was far from gentle, and I winced at the roughness of her movements.

Her sudden actions took me by surprise, her presence next to my naked body leaving me speechless.

"What are your intentions with my son?" she demanded, her voice low and accusatory.

I swallowed hard, my mind racing to find the right words. "My only wish is to be of help in court matters."

She hummed in response, her eyes narrowing. "Do not lie to me."

I shook my head, my voice trembling. "I swear, I have no other intentions."

She continued to scrub my arm, her expression hard and unyielding. "You think you can come into this palace and capture his attention? What do you hope to gain from this?"

"I... I don't hope to gain anything," I stammered, my heart pounding in my chest. "I serve him faithfully, as any loyal subject would."

Her eyes flickered with something akin to disdain. "Do you know the danger you pose? To yourself and to him?"

I shook my head again, feeling utterly exposed and helpless. "I would never do anything to harm him."

She paused, her grip on the cloth tightening. "My son is sick. Just because he is the king doesn't mean he is less vulnerable to danger. His duty is to his people, to his kingdom." She stared into my soul, her brows furrowed. "He cannot afford to be distracted by foolish infatuations."

I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes, but I fought to keep my voice steady. "Your son brought me here. He is perfectly capable of making decisions on who to trust by himself." I stared back at her, "And it is my knowledge about my homeland he cares for. If there is any infatuation going on I'm afraid it is not me who is responsible for it."

"So naïve yet so full of herself." she snorted, shaking her head. "No wonder he finds you amusing."

I remained silent, my brows furrowed in confusion and discomfort.

She paused for a brief moment, her eyes cold and calculating, before she spoke again, "Have you done it?"

I blinked in surprise, "Done what?"

She tilted her head, "I suppose you weren't in his bed for nothing?"

"I was feverish," I replied, my voice raised in defense. "Nothing happened."

"Feverish...that I can tell." she remarked, her tone mocking as she turned her head away.

I watched as she belittled me in disbelief, my lips parted. She turned to me once more and studied me for a long moment, her expression unreadable. Finally, she released my arm and straightened up.

"Wash yourself now. I will not warn you again."

And without another word, she turned and left the room, leaving me alone in the now eerily silent bathing chamber. As the door closed behind her, I let out a shaky breath, my body trembling from the encounter.

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