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The morning light streamed through the windows of my quarters, illuminating the furnishings and my beautiful mother's portrait. I was still half asleep when the previous day's events flashed through my mind. I stretched in my bed, hugging my pillow with a yawn. I thought of the conversation I had with the king the other day, not being able to resist the smile forming on my lips. Something about him felt different after he had revealed his...human side. I couldn't explain it, but he seemed somewhat more intriguing than ever.

After moments of peaceful silence, a sudden knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. I let go of my pillow and turned to lie on my back, staring at the ceiling with my arms spread wide. "Come in."

"Good morning, my lady." I knew it would be Aisha, therefore didn't bother to get up. "I brought you breakfast."

I furrowed my brows and propped myself up to see her. "You brought me breakfast? To my bed?"

"Yes, my lady. I figured you would be hungry by now."

"What time is it?"

"It's almost noon, my lady." She brought the tray to my bed, placing it on my lap. I looked down at it with surprised eyes.

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

"You needed a rest, my lady." She smiled at me. "I kept coming into your room to check on you. The king had ordered not to disturb you this morning."

"He had?" I couldn't believe my ears.

She nodded. "Yes, madam. His majesty said he wishes for you to take it easy and not overwhelm yourself."

I kept staring at the food in front of me with my lips parted. He was being unfathomably considerate...even for someone like me?

I tried to bite down my smile. "Come Aisha, sit." I pulled her from the arm suddenly, guiding her to sit with me on the bed.

"My lady-" she began, her eyes widening.

"Aisha," I cut her off, "from now on, as long as you sit on this bed, you are to call me by my name."

"But, my lady-"

"It's Y/n," I said, before she could protest. "You will be my friend, and respond to me as one."

"I...sure..." she stuttered, clearly caught off guard.

"Now..." I crossed my legs to sit comfortably. "Have you ever seen the king?"

"His face, you mean?" she looked at me with a puzzled expression.

I nodded my head.

"Not really...even when he makes an appearance without a cover, us servants keep our heads low around him."

I found myself feeling visibly upset for some reason. "Do you happen to know..?" I looked up at her with expectant eyes as my voice trailed off.

"...How he looks?" she finished the sentence before she raised an eyebrow.

I waited for an answer as she took a moment to think.

"I know that he was good looking before his face got...you know." She averted her gaze. "I don't know how much it spread, but it can't be good." She let out a sigh. "He never goes out without a mask anymore."

"What did he look like?"

"Like how a prince should look." she said simply.

I pressed my lips together as I looked down at my bed, the wrinkles of my bed sheets seeming rather more interesting than the conversation.

"Why do you want to know, my lady?" Aisha asked softly.

I was deep in thought, I didn't even bother to correct her for calling me 'my lady'. I spoke without taking my eyes off of that one wrinkle. "I'm only curious..."

After speaking to Aisha and offering her to eat breakfast together, I had decided to spend the day within the confines of my room, poring over the many books and documents that the king had graciously provided. If I were to serve him well, I needed to understand the court, the history of Jerusalem, and the balance of power. I felt myself becoming like my father. Maybe there was something in me that would remind me of him after all.

The hours slipped by as I immersed myself in study, my mind absorbing the knowledge before me. The sun had begun its descent when I realized I had hardly moved from my desk all day. A persistent ache in my neck reminded me that it was time to take a break.

Stepping out into the palace corridors, I decided to take a walk in the gardens. The fresh air and the sight of blooming flowers would surely do me good after a day spent indoors.

As I wandered through the palace grounds, I came upon a secluded corner of the garden. I rounded a bend in the path and found myself face-to-face with a very beautiful woman whom I assumed could be none other than the king's sister—Princess Sibylla.

Her beauty was striking, with piercing eyes, just like his brother's, that seemed to see right through me. She looked up, surprised by my sudden appearance. "Who are you?"

"Forgive me, my lady," I said quickly, bowing my head. "I am Y/n," I looked up at her. "Of Constantinople." I added. "I did not mean to intrude."

"Oh, I know you." she said, eyeing me from head to toe. "You're the girl that saved my brother."

"Yes." I replied, my gaze steady.

"I heard he made you a member of the court."

I nodded, waiting to see where this was going.

She studied me for a moment before speaking again. "My brother speaks highly of you. It is rare for him to show such trust so quickly."

I gave her a small nod. "I am honored."

"You should be." she said. "As far as I am informed you possess no title, am I right?"

I stared at her, matching her unreadable expression. "That is true."

She squinted at me, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Don't forget that no matter what you do, you will always remain a woman." Her words took me by surprise.

"Whoever you were outside of this palace, your worth will never change. Men will be men, and you will always be inferior. This is what it is to be a woman here." she said as she walked past me. I turned around to stare at her figure slowly disappearing, eyebrows furrowed.

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