stranger II

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I leaned in closer, letting my weight rest against him slightly as I played with the soft strands of his hair. "June is months away." I murmured, the words almost lost in the quiet of the room.

"It's the soonest we can be wed," he replied, his voice calm. "Preparations take long, for coronation it takes even longer. And you will need to be trained for some time." He paused, his hand resting lightly on my waist. "It'll pass by quickly. In the blink of an eye, we will be one."

"Training..." I repeated, the thought suddenly weighing on my mind. My hands halted as I looked down to avoid his piercing gaze. "Who will be in charge of it?"

"Well," he began, "It is mostly the duty of my mother to prepare you," he paused briefly, he must've noticed the hint of concern that flashed across my face, "but not to fret, I will take over from time to time, in more political matters." he said, his tone reassuring. "There will also be a royal governess present, sometimes the bishop too. You won't have to worry about anything."

I let out a small breath, trying to process everything.

"You will be alright," he continued, his grip on me tightening as if to ground me. "You already possess an enormous amount of knowledge to begin with." his expression softened as he looked at me with something close to admiration. "It's impressive that a woman of your status is this educated."

I hummed in response, a small smile tugging at my lips. "What can I say, I was blessed with my father..."

A shadow passed over his face in the fleeting moment of silence. "Is he buried in Jerusalem?" he asked quietly.

I nodded, my gaze still low.

"Would you like to visit him?" he raised an eyebrow, his gaze searching mine.

My head jerked up at the question. "Can I?" The words slipped out before I could stop them, hope threading through my voice.

"We can." he assured me, the smile on his face reaching his eyes. "It would be nice for us to make a public appearance."

I hesitated, memories of our first encounter flashing through my mind. "The last time you did that someone attempted an assassination."

He tilted his head as he stared at me, the smile on his face turning into a sweet one. "And then God sent you to me, to save me." He reached out to touch my cheek, his eyes distant. "My angel."

I looked away with a faint smile, resting my hands on his shoulders. "Look where we are now." I said, the irony not lost on me. "I would've never thought it would make me a queen."

He let out a breath of amusement, a genuine light chuckle from within. "You sure caught my attention there." His eyes gleamed playfully. "I would've gone past you without ever paying attention," he said, marveling at how fate had brought us together. "I'm almost thankful for that bastard for attempting to kill me."

A small giggle escaped my lips as I shook my head. "Don't say that," I replied, extending the last vowel.

"What? It is the truth." He shrugged, his loose touch on my waist holding me still. "How would I ever have known you if it wasn't for him?"

"Might as well pray for him in the church when we're in the city." I teased back, my brows raised in playful exasperation.

He paused for a moment, his arms wrapping around me suddenly with a tight grip. My breath hitched as he pulled me closer and leaned back, making me sit on his legs. He was the one to look down at me this time, the intensity of his gaze making my stomach drop. "You're so beautiful," he whispered, his voice filled with a quiet reverence. "Do you know that?"

Fate | Baldwin IVWhere stories live. Discover now