one misstep

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Baldwin's POV

I sat alone in my chambers, my eyes on the text before me, but my mind far from the words written.
I went over that night over and over again in my thoughts, Y/n's unexpected visit vividly on repeat in my memory. I had watched her come in with excitement, and leave with fear in her eyes. She wasn't supposed to see it. Of course it scared her away.

The sound of my quill on parchment paper accompanied the silence in the isolated room, allowing me to get lost in thoughts as I wrote. How long would I be able to fight until this ruthless condition of mine took everything away from me?

Would she see me differently now? Would she distance herself? Maybe she regretted ever trying to get close to me. She should anyway.

She deserves a better man.

I took a deep breath, forcing myself to focus on the task at hand. The letter I was composing was addressed to the Lords of the Kingdom, a detailed account of the recent reports of our borders. The Saracen forces had been testing our defenses, and it was crucial to relay the information accurately.

To the Esteemed Lords of the Realm,

It has come to my attention that the unrest along our northern borders have increased in frequency and intensity. The garrisons stationed at Edessa and Tripoli report that the Saracen forces are probing our defenses, seeking weaknesses. It is imperative that we bolster our forces in these regions to prevent any significant breaches, regardless of our current peace treaty with Salahuddin.

I am ordering additional troops to be deployed from the central reserves to these strategic locations. Furthermore, I request that each lord contribute a detachment of their best soldiers to reinforce our efforts. We must present a united front to deter any further aggression from anyone disrupting the peace.

Let it be known that the defense of our kingdom is paramount, and we must all do our part to ensure the safety and security of our people.

Yours in service,

Baldwin IV

I signed the letter with a flourish, sealing it with the royal crest. As I set it aside, I couldn't help but think of her once more. I needed a break.

Y/n's POV

"My lady, look!" I turned to Aisha, my gaze following her finger pointing to the particularly beautiful rose. "I think this will look beautiful in your arrangement." she said, her voice bright and cheerful as she cradled a bundle of freshly picked flowers in her arm, which I had specifically asked for permission to pick from the royal gardener.

"Oh, Aisha," I gasped, bending down to pluck it. "That's perfect." I placed it gently on top of the others in her arm. They looked beautiful.

"Are you going to use them for decoration, my lady?" she asked.

"No." I replied, looking for more flowers as I walked slowly through the winding paths of the garden. A fragrant jasmine in full bloom caught my eye. I plucked the flower, careful not to damage its fragile beauty.

Aisha turned to me with a curious smile. "What are you going to do with that one?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with interest.

Without saying a word, I stepped closer to her. "Hold still," I murmured softly. She froze, watching me with wide eyes as I reached up. I tucked a loose strand of her dark hair behind her ear, then carefully placed the flower just above it, securing it gently in place.

"There," I said, stepping back to admire my handiwork. "It suits you perfectly."

Aisha's cheeks flushed a soft pink, and she touched the flower lightly with her fingertips. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice full of gratitude and a hint of shyness.

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