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Arabel's POV

The abrupt halt of the car pulls me out of my reverie. Turning around, I see people entering and leaving a registry.

Do I stand a chance at escaping here?

Alex kisses my cheeks and then says, "Let's go."

I don't spare him a glance. He is nothing but a monster.

Wearily, I step down from the car, exhaustion hitting hard as my stomach also grumbles. Not only have I suffered a beating, but my stomach is also empty.

It feels like a thousand worms are having a feast in my belly, making me wince at intervals.

I have accepted my fate.

There is little or nothing I can do right now. In a strange land, I won't even be able to leave his side or find someone to listen to me.

No one is speaking English around here except for Eve and Alex.

My eyes are dry and tired of crying.
I am extremely exhausted and thinking of nothing but having a long, peaceful nap. Maybe when I sleep, I will wake up to realize all of this was a dream.

I would rather have Richard chase me around the globe, have him bicker words with me for every little thing, than this.

This is torture.

Hell on earth.

When we reach the entrance, Alex grabs my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine, causing cold shivers to spill all over me.

When we enter the hall, there are two couples at the podium, exchanging vows. The bride has a wide smile on her face, and the groom is making an effort to hide his desire as he stares lovingly at her.

In that strange language, they exchange their vows, and a round of applause has them kissing each other tenderly before disappearing from the podium for another couple.

Alex signals to me to sit, which I do. He does the same, sitting beside me, his hand not leaving mine.

At intervals, I caught him staring at me in the car on our way here. And he is doing the same thing now, probably wondering what is going through my mind.

This is no way to make a woman love you.

I wish I can tell him this. Shout it to his ears.

Even if I had a tiny bit of attraction for him, his behaviors these past few days will make that attraction die a quick death.

No woman should fall in love with a monster like Alex. A woman-beater. What do you even have to offer? He gives me the impression of a man who can love with all of his heart but can't stop himself from hurting the same woman he claims to love.

This isn't love.

He is just obsessed with me.

He is quite mistaken if he thinks he loves me.

"If you have any intentions of playing smart, you should know that you are not just putting your baby's life at risk, but also Richard's," he mutters, snapping his head to meet my eyes. He smirks mischievously, the regret flashing across his expression a while ago gone into thin air. “He barely survived the first hit, but this time, he won't survive it.”

My heart tightens.

Shock shoots up my spine, creating a fresh shimmer of anger in my gut.

The accident. It wasn't Eve.

Alex was responsible for that accident. I thought of him, but when Eve appeared from nowhere, I assumed she was responsible.

None of us thought about the possibility of the two of them working together. What was Eve hoping to gain with Richard's death?

She wouldn't want him dead.

Perhaps that was when they met. They confided in one another. Or Eve didn't know of Alex's plan to kill Richard with that crash.

I want to say something, but my mouth won't move.

I want to beg him. Plead with him to keep Richard out of this. And my baby.

Instead, I look back to the podium, realizing there are just two more couples sitting in front of us, waiting to be married.

After these two are married, Alex and I will be bound together in marriage. Despite my resolve not to cry again, my eyes become glassy, causing me to blink several times to control the tears that threaten to spill.

I should do this.

I need to do this.

For Richard. And for my baby.

After the wedding, I would beg him to let Daisy be with Richard. I won't be able to bear letting Daisy watch Alex hit me whenever he wishes to.

She would be safe with him there. Ashley would take good care of my child and mother would do the same, too. They wouldn't allow anything to harm my child, unless it involves Alex.

If Daisy stayed with us, one day he might end up hitting her too.

I shut my eyes to wave away every other thought.

I thought of a possible means of escape.

I thought of Richard.

I thought of Daisy.

I need to do this for them. And I hope Richard won't think I did this just to spite him. I would never make such a big decision at the expense of my own happiness just to spite him.

“Ready?” He calls out, making me nod at him without opening my eyes.

I hear movement, and I figure the last couple in front of us are on their way to the podium, leaving Alex and me as the next in line.

It's fine.

It's just a marriage.

After this, I can find a way to get out. All I need to do is make him trust me. Be free with me. I should probably pretend to forgive him, and let him think I am gradually falling in love with him, before taking action.

I need a strategic plan in place.

I plan to familiarize myself with the environment and the guards. Make them trust me.

I should also learn the language. It will go a long way toward helping me get away from these people.

A round of applause jerks me upright before Alex taps my shoulder. My chest heaves up and down in anxiety as I dart my eyes around to see the priest watching us.

“Get up!” He tries not to sound harsh as he plasters a smile on his face.

Trembling with fright, I shoot up. Sadness etched deep in my heart. My insides are in disarray. And frustration is chafing at my skin.

With his hand holding firmly onto mine, we proceed to the podium and halt as soon as we are inches away from the priest, who begins the long speech in the strange language.

It sounds familiar to my ears because he has repeated the same thing over and over since we got here.

When he stops, my breathing stalls.

Is it done?

He gestures for Alex to do something and continues to speak in the unfamiliar language. Alex fishes out a black box from his suit pocket and opens it to reveal the two diamond rings inside.

When he lifts his head, there is a look of pride emerging.

I want to shake my head and tell him that love cannot be bought or forced.

However, the priest's sharp intervention stops me.

“F**king smile, Bella. Smile!” He grits his teeth in warning. But I don't obey.

I can't fake a smile right now. Not when my life is going up in flames and I can't do anything about it.

“I said smile!” He shouts, cutting the priest off, and the box falls to the ground. I jerk my hand away from him in fright.

Silence fills the air.

People start to murmur, which makes him stare at them with pure rage.

When he squats down to pick up the box, a shot rings out, and I am pushed to the floor, face down.

Will Richard be on time to save her? Will Alex let go that easily?

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