Illness // Makoto

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As school was going by you feel your temperature rising and you felt weaker than usual.

At lunch you immediatley called your boyfriend, Makoto to help you. He insist that you go to the clinic and go back home but you refused.

Being the stubborn girl you are, you told him that it can wait and that you'll just drink medicine. He didn't agree of course.

"Makoto I can handle this, really. And you also need to attend practice." You say weakly. "No (Your Name), I'll get you back home. I'll have to skip practice today, surely they would understand" With that he picked you up bridal style and told the teacher that you needed to go.

"How are you bringing me home? You can't bring me home like this." You say. "Just trust me."

When you got home he took you to your room and placed you on the bed. He pulled the covers up and sat beside you. "I'll make you some soup, wait for me here, okay? Don't do anything that'll hurt you." He kissed your cheek before leaving you alone in your room.

Makoto came back with a bowl of soup on the other hand and a pail and a wet towel on the other. He wiped your face gently before putting the towel on your forehead.

"Thank you Makoto. I'm sorry you have to skip practice today because of me." You say as he scooped a spoonful of soup and made you eat it. "It's okay (Your Name), I don't mind skipping practice."

After finishing the soup he made, he put the bowl down and lay down beside you. You feel your eyelids becoming heavy and before you knew it you were drifting off. But before you did you heard Makoto whisper "I love you (Your Name). Get better soon."


Okay first imagine idk how it went but its shorter than the usual imagines i make (my imagines are hella long) and im not good with titles too

stay fab ily

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