Jealous // Haru

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Today was like any other day but your boyfriend Haru always changes it from normal to very special. Even if you just see him practicing it never fails to put a smile on your face. That's one of the many reasons why you love him. So after school like always you went to watch them practice.

You watched Haru and his lean body and - and someone hugged you from behind. You jumped and snapped out of your thoughts. Turning you saw it was Haru. You didn't notice him walking towards you because you were too busy day dreaming.
"Thinking about me?" He asked then kissed your forehead. "Of course not." You said and hugged him. "Oh really?" "Really." He stayed silent for a few seconds as if thinking. "Okay then I'm gonna go now, let's get coffee after practice?" He asked. "Sure." He gave you a peck on the lips before walking away.

When practice was over Haru walked over to you and kissed you on your cheek before changing. While waiting for Haru you talked with Makoto since he was the first one done changing.

When Haru went out he glared at Makoto, his hands balling into fists at his side. "Good bye (Your Name)-chan!" Makoto bowed and walked away and you waved good bye at him.

When everybody left, Haru immediately pinned you to the wall and whispered seductively on your ear.

"Do you like him (Your Name)?" You shook your head. "I don't like him, we're just friends and you know he likes someone else." (A/N me ofc, lol jk) "Tell me I'm the only one you love, tell me you don't want anyone else but me." You became more and more nervous. Haru wasn't normally like this. "Y-You're the only one I love and I don't want anyone else but you." He pulled away from you. "Good." He said then left. You watched him walk away your back still rested on the wall. "Wow." Was all you could say before following him.


So ooc im sorry but

just imagine Haru being like that

i would cry

then die

stay fab ily

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