Night Changes: Makoto

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Today was a special day for you. It was your one year anniversary with the backstroke swimmer of the Iwatobi Swim Club. And for that Makoto told you that he'd pick you up later night.

As you were getting ready, you heard the doorbell ring and your mom opening the door.

You put on a red dress you knew your mom wouldn't like but wear it anyways. After getting ready you went downstairs and saw Makoto starung lovingly at you.

"Let's go?" Makoto said. You nodded in response.

"Bye mom, I'll see you later." You waved as your mom watched you ride in Makoto's car. "My baby's growing up." Your mom sighed as she closed the door to your house.

Makoto stopped at a fancy looking restaurant. "Makoto where are we?"

Makoto didn't answer, he just smiled and led you inside. He stopped at a table where there was not much people around. Makoto being the gentleman he is, pulled the chaur for you. You mumbled a thanks.

"Makoto how will you pay for this?" You whispered. "Don't worry (Your Name), order anything you want."

You looked at the menu and when the waitress arrived you ordered the cheapest food in the menu which isn't really close to 'cheap'.

While waiting for the food you and Makoto talked. And when the food arrived you started eating. Makoto leaned in with a tissue on hand and wiped your mouth. He chuckled. "You had sauce on your mouth." You looked down and when you looked back up you saw your ex walking angrily towards the both of you.

"(Random ex's name)? What are-" You were cut off when your ex dumped spaghetti and water on Makoto. "What the?" You were about to start ranting but he pulled you up, his grip tight on your hand. "Let go-" He cut you off. "No we need to talk first."

You could see that Makoto wanted to punch your ex but couldn't do anything. Your ex pulled you with him before Makoto could even protest.

You mouthed a sorry to Makoto before both of you disappeared fron his sight. You saw him smile and give a small nod.


Okay so I decided to make a night changes special thingy so heres the first one

Ik u probably think "why wont she refuse?" or "why wont makoto get her?" but well idk its part of the story


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