Attention Seeker // Kisumi

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"(Your Name)-chaaaaan!~" You heard the boy you hated the most call. You ignored it and continued walking to your next class. "(Your Name)-chan, why are you ignoring me?" Kisumi was suddenly beside you. Still ignored it.

He then said your name over and over again. "What do you want?!" You shouted causing people at the hallway to stop and turn at what was happening. Kisumi flinched. "N-nothing." He said. "Go away. Annoy other people but not me." You whispered before running away from him.

You ran and ran, not stopping, and almost tripping. Definitely somewhere Kisumi won't see or find you.

To other girls if Kisumi's talking to you 24/7 it would make them so happy but for you it was a nightmare. It started when months passed by after first meeting each other when you were kids.

Constantly bothering you 24/7 since your house was just beside his and he has your phone number. You didn't know how he got it but he has it. And he would text you everyday and everynight.

Just when you were thinking about how he got your phone number, you got a text from Kisumi asking you where you were.

Why would I tell him?

You ignored the message and put your phone back in your pocket.

After a few minutes you heard footsteps coming to your direction. Someone with pink hair you first fell in love with but now hate sat down beside you. You glared at Kisumi. "What do you want now Kisumi? I told you to go away."

"I'm sorry (Your Name)," He said. You looked up

What did he just say?

"What?" You asked. "I'm sorry, I never wanted it to end up like this. I was just doing that to... get your attention."

Well this is different

"Why would you want my attention for?" You asked. "Because I like you (Your Name)." He said a little too fast but you heard it clearly. Too clear.

"How did you find me?" You say, changing the topic.

"I always follow you here but I just don't show myself." You let out a frustrated sigh. (A/N Is that a thing?)

Of course he does.

"Look (Your Name), I'm sorry for annoying you, bothering you, all those things I did to you that you didn't like. I did it because...because I like you and I'm trying to get your attention."

You thought of what to say but ended up saying: "I forgive you but I'm not saying that I like you, okay?"

"It's okay (Your Name)-chan but I, Kisumi Shigino promises that I'll make you like me back, and that's a promise." Kisumi winked at you and you couldn't help but to feel some type of way.

What's this feeling? And how long has it been hiding?

- Time Skip -

After a month, Kisumi still kept his promise. Other girls *cough* Kisumi's fan club *cough* noticed this and became jealous because Kisumi would give you flowers, chocolates, anything.

Your room was now filled with stuff that Kisumi gave and you admit you were slowly falling for him each day. Not because of what he gives but of what he is.

When he isn't the annoying type anymore he was the fun, cute type. You didn't know Kisumi was like this but you liked it better.

He doesn't have to worry about his promise anymore. You decided that when he asks you out, you won't give your usual answer anymore: "No, I still need time."

This time it'll be a big yes.


I did this bc of what I thought when I first saw Kisumi (which is like a photo of him) my first impression of him was: annoying and fuckboy

stay fab ily

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