Admit // Rin

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"Hey (Y/N) lets eat lunch together?" Rin offered and you instantly thought of an excuse.

"I'm sorry Rin but I have to... discuss something important with my friends. Maybe we could have lunch some other time."

You and Rin were close friends but you found yourself falling for him. Scared that you'll get hurt, lately you distanced yourself away from him and his friends.

During lunch you saw Rin heading over to your table so you stood up from your seat and excused yourself from your friends.

"He's here, I have to go bye." You said, rushing to leave.

"I don't understand why you're always..." One of your friends said but didn't continue because you were gone.

You weren't looking at where you were going causing you to bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry," You bowed and saw Rin when you looked up. You hurriedly went to the lockers. But before you could, he grabbed your hand making you face him.

"I don't want to be just friends," Rin said making your heart beat faster.

"The we can be best friends...?" Rin pulled you closer to him as you whispered.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about." He whispered.

"I like you (Y/N)," That made you speechless and you didn't know what to say.

"I just confessed to you, say something." Rin said, looking embarrassed.

"I like you too but..." You hesitated to continue your sentence because yiu were embarrassed to say it and Rin would probably laugh.

"I was scared,"

"Scared of what?"

"that I'll get hurt." Looking down, you admitted.

Rin wrapped his arms around you and whispered.

"I would never hurt you if you'd agree to be my girlfriend." What he said surprised you.

"Wh-What?! You stuttered and pulled away from him.

"Well we feel the same about each other. You like me and I like you so will you be my girlfriend?" And once again you were speechless. You could only nod.

"Yes," You whispered.

Rin leaned forward, pretending not to hear what you said. "What did you say?"

"I said yes, I'm agreeing to be your girlfriend." You said half-shouting. Rin was still very close to you.

He leaned in closer and closer until you can feel his breathing.

Then just before your lips were about to touch, the bell rang and students were everywhere. You pulled away from Rin and fixed yourself.

"I guess we'll continue what we were doing later." Rin winked. Your cheeks turned red and you playfully slapped him on his arm.

"I'll see you later," You said, kissing his cheek before leaving.


sorry if the last part sucks it was rushed :/

but this is dedicated to @-Mrs_Matsuoka-

belated happy birthday !! im sorry im late i hope you enjoyed your day :D

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