Beetle Addict // Momotarou

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Just pretend Samezuka accepts girls and that you're afraid of insects


Momo was your best friend. But sometimes you already hated him for scaring you. Everytime. Every fucking time.

You were afraid of insects. Any kind of insect. Even butterflies scared you. You enjoy looking at them but when it finally touches you, you would run away.

"(Your Name)-chaaan!~" Momo called, knocking at your dorm room's door. You opened the door. "What is-" You were cut off midsentence when you saw Momo holding a jar, a stag beetle inside, infront of your face. You screamed.

"Get that out of here." You pushed the jar away from you, almost knocking the jar from his grasp. He laughed so hard causing tears to form in his eyes. "BAKA WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" You shouted at him.

"Gomen (Your Name), this is the last time I'm scaring you." The tone of his voice made it feel like he's actually guilty about what he did. "Make sure you don't do it again." He nodded.

"I wasn't really coming here to scare you. It just happened that Pyunsuke was with me." He said. "Huh? What do you want now?" You said annoyed.

"I was wondering...i-if you'd want to go on a d-date with me." You stared at him for a few seconds as if he was crazy. "Wh-what?"

This can't be true. Your crush slash best friend was asking you out. You liked Momo since you first became friends but didn't say so because you were afraid that your relationship as best friends would end.

"(Your Name) would you go on a date with me?" He repeated.

"Sure Momo. It's about time you asked." You mumbled the last part but he still heard.

He smiled. "Thank you (Your Name)-chan! I'll pick you up tomorrow at 10." He walked away happily. You sighed and smiled and went back inside.


Momo pls

stay fab ily

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