Bikini Shy // Rin

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"For the last time Gou, I am not going." You say. Gou and the others are going to the beach for some practice and she insisted that you come too.

"Come on (Your Name) it'll be fun besides," Gou paused. "My brother will be there." Your eyes widened and you stared at her. "Is this some kind of setup?" You became suspicious. "No, he just told me he's coming. I didn't force him to go." You just stared at her. "Don't you want to see all those muscles. My brother's muscles?"

"Okay fine I'm going but I'm not swimming and I don't have a swimsuit."

"Oh we can fix that." Gou had a devilish smirk on her face.

- Skip Time -

"Gou I am not wearing this." You shouted to the redhead girl infront of you. She said she'll look for a swimsuit for you. She did but it's a bikini that's probably tight on you. If not tight probably fitting.

"(Your Name) it probably looks nice on you," Gou said. "Just go change I'll be waiting here." You sighed and mumbled an 'okay'.

You went to the bathroom and changed, put a dress over and went out. "It shouldn't be that bad." You glared at Gou. "Let's go (Your Name)."

- Time Skip -

You were walking along the seashore when you heard a familiar voice call to you. "Rin?" You looked behind you to see a wet Rin catching up to you. "(Your Name) let's swim?"

"" It took you a few minutesto answer. "Lets go." Rin was the least person you would want to see you in a bikini.

You had no choice. You sighed and took off the dress and went to Rin. Rin saw you frowning and asked.

"What's wrong (Your Name)?"

You smiled. "Nothing Rin it's just that..." You didn't continue

"You don't like your body?" You nodded. "Let me tell you something (Your Name)," Rin said. "You're perfect. You aren't big or fat, you're body is just right. You're beautiful in your own way. And that's why I'm asking you to be my girlfriend right now." Your eyes widened at his words.

"(Your Name) will you be my girlfriend." You hugged him and said. "Of course Rin."


I kinda don't like this one tho

stay fab ily

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