Surprise // Makoto

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Makoto was absent from school today which made you worry about him. And you were worried even more today because it's your birthday. You thought both of you would spend some time together.

You tried asking Haru, Nagisa, and Rei but they didn't know either. So you decided to just go and visit him at his house.

When school was over, you rushed over to Makoto's house only to find no one in the house, the lights are all off but the door was unlocked.

You searched every part of the house except for the kitchen because that's where you least expected Makoto to be.

Sighing, you opened the door to the kitchen. As you opened the door you noticed a tall boy standing behind a table. You were about to scream but the boy suddenly shouted before you did. "Happy birthday (Y/N)!"

The lights were opened and Makoto, Haru, Nagisa, and Rei greeted you. Lots of food was prepared on the table. You went up and hugged Makoto.

"You need to stop spoiling me." You said when you pulled away. "I'm afraid I can't do that." Makoto kissed your temple.

"Let's eat?" You nodded went back to the rest of the group.

You spent the rest of the night talking, laughing, and eating with the rest of the group.


Does any of my beautiful reader-chans here like super junior? Bc well idk i just love them sm

And I'm really sorry for not updating for so long but its already christmas break and that means i can write more without worrying about anything

not rlly tho i still have to worry abt a lot of stuff


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