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"Kookie.. are you sure you haven't seen him before?" Jimin asked his best friend while checking his paintings.

Currently the trio in Jungkook's room after Yoongi told Jimin everything. First Jimin also didn't believe it but when Jungkook came and said he asked to see the paintings.

Jungkook rolled his eyes hearing the question. How can he convince someone? He doesn't have any proof.. he can't give any proof.

"I mean.. he.. I mean they look similar.. your Tiger and Taehyung.." Jimin said not to hurt his feelings.

"Kookie didn't see him before, baby.." Yoongi said supporting him.

"What? I believe in you.." Yoongi said offended seeing the said man looking at him with a deadly look.

"After embarrassing me well, are you happy now hyung?" Kookie asked with gritted teeth. He was mad at Yoongi.

"Uhh.. I'm sorry Kookie.. but.. what else can I say? Just think about it.." Yoongi said sweetly. Jungkook rolled his eyes and grabbed the drawings from Jimin.

"You could have something not stupid..I was already frustrated about the situation..now you made it worse.. along with that idiot was acting so weird.. isn't he full of himself.. huff.. and why the hell did you say that I said that? I am straight as a ruler for duck's sake.." Jungkook said irritated.

Yoongi and Jimin looked at each other surprised. Jungkook is acting weird. He never judges a person like this. And he is very much affected by Taehyung's presence.What's going on?

"Yah yah.. whatever helps you to sleep.." Yoongi muttered.

"What? Did you say something?" Jungkook asked.

"Then why didn't you draw a girl Kookie? Why did you draw a man?" Jimin asked with a smirk.

"What? Are you questioning my sexuality now? Is that the matter here? I drew a man because it was tiger themed.. I couldn't imagine a girl as a tiger.." Jungkook said irritated.

"Point.." Jimin nodded agreeing.

"Jeez.. everything is gaying around me.. why this country allowed same gender relations anyway.. uhhh.." Jungkook muttered irritated and went out leaving a confused Jimin and Yoongi.

The three day wedding celebration is going on very well. The family gathered for parties and games around the island. All these times, Taehyung tried to stick around Jungkook. And Jungkook was beyond pissed off by the male, whom he wanted to forget anyhow.

He got to know something about Taehyung. He was doing his MBA in the US.. and did modelling as a hobby. And now he is back and will join their family business. And yeah.. from his attitude and gestures, he is two hundred percent gay!

Jungkook found himself lying on the beach alone at night. He kept closed his eyes, feeling the song singing by sea for him only. And the caress of the sea breeze gave him a contented feel.

"Sorry to disturb your peaceful bubble.." the blonde lay beside him, joining him in the sand.

"You know you are never a disturbance for me.." Jungkook said, eyes still closed. The other man chuckled and lay there silently.

"Taehyung seems like.. like you.." Jimin said after sometime.

"He is an idiot Jim.. didn't you see how he is acting.. it's all Yoongi hyung's fault.. that idiot must be thinking I have some feelings for him.. " Jungkook said calmly.

"Why are you so bothered by him?" Jimin asked looking at him. A smile bloomed on his face seeing his best friend's relaxed face under the moonlight.

I don't know Jim... I am also confused..

TIGER ✅ [TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now