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The vast lawn of the resort bathed in fairy lights around. The couples present in the event slowly swayed their body with the soft music.. purely immersed in the vibe.

The newly weds danced in the centre of the dance floor.. teasing and smiling at each other. Their faces reflected the pure bliss of their love.. their promises to each other. The diamond rings on their fingers shone brightly like their faces.

Jungkook looked at the couple with a soft smile.. his hyung looks so happy with his love. In between a thought disturbed Jungkook to the core.

The priest.

The knowing smile he gave to Jungkook after looking at Taehyung for a moment.

What was that?

And his speech before his hyungs took their vows. He said that words looking directly at Jungkook. And Jungkook caught that there are some underlying meanings to his words.

Some love relationships are Devine.. eternal.. no matter how we tried to push them away, our love will find their ways to us.. those lovers will unite in some of their lives.. they will complete their story no matter what happened.. that is nature's law.. the cycle has to be completed..

What does he meant by that?

Jungkook was confused to the core. Everything seems so weird.

"Kook.. Jungkook.." he came out of his trance hearing someone calling him urgently.. it's Taehyung. Jungkook gave him a blank look.

"Shall we? She is searching for me.." Taehyung said with a panic looking at one direction. Jungkook nodded slowly. Taehyung immediately took his hand and dragged him to the lawn where couples were dancing. He looked at Taehyung not knowing what to do.

"Didn't you dance before in your life?" Taehyung eyes him up and down.

"Huh?" Jungkook asked, still in trance.

"Come on kook.. put your hands on me.." he took Jungkook's hands and put on his waist and he put his hands on Jungkook's shoulders. He saw Liya looking at him with shocked eyes on the side. He started moving slowly with Jungkook, and Jungkook followed him.

"Thank God..she saw us.. thank you so much Kook.." he said to Jungkook who gave him a small smile with node.

Jungkook, holding a man this close for the first time in his life, felt difficult to maintain his calm compusture. Taehyung's addicting aroma doing something in him. He felt like his hands were shaking.

"Just relax.. okay.. I won't bite you.." Taehyung said chuckled feeling the shiver on his waist. Jungkook rolled his eyes like he was not at effected.

"It's really cold.." Jungkook said looking away.

"Yeah.. that's true.." Taehyung said and giggled. Jungkook looked at the male in his arms.

His eyes.. it wasn't blue.. it wasn't green.. something in between. But it was.. magnificent. Jungkook felt like he was loosing himself in it's depth. When Taehyung looked at him he looked away immediately.

"Yah baby.. you are impossible.. how did you make that happen?" Yoongi and Jimin, who were dancing among the couple saw the duo dancing and Taehyung laughing in Jungkook's arms.

"There is nothing this Park Jimin can do hyung.." Jimin said with a proud smirk.

"I hope that idiot will realise what he wants.." Yoongi said looking at Jungkook.

"Of course.. he will.. I will make him.. he just has to realise his truth.. his sexuality..." Jimin said determined.

"Actually he is Taesexual.." Yoongi said and both laughed.

Taehyung was enjoying the moment fully. Jungkook's arms around him felt something special. His warmth giving Taehyung new emotions. He felt like a thousands of butterflies dancing in his tummy.

Jungkook was so handsome.. so manly.. his bulkiness gave him a Greek god posture. A man in dreams. Taehyung observed his face. But why he feels everything familiar. His doe eyes, his cute nose, that thin lips, they poking teeth, and that moles. Taehyung felt like he can trace than moles on his face even in his sleep. Why? Suddenly he heard a noise.. something like.. clashing of swords. He looked around confused.

"Did you hear that?" He asked Jungkook looking around.

"I am not deaf Taehyung.. I can hear everything.. the laughter, the music, the waves.." Jungkook said sarcastically. Taehyung rolled his eyes. What else can he expect from the meanie..

They kept slow dancing along with the music.

"So.. you done with your MBA?" Jungkook asked after sometime.

"Yeah.. now joining in our company.. thinking about expand it into jewellery also.." Taehyung said with a smile. Jungkook nodded in return. Seems like Taehyung had a good plan about his career. Still he and Yoongi doubted him. He mentally chuckled remembering their stupidity.

"What's the story of this scar?" Taehyung asked pointing towards the scar on his left cheek.

"This? This is a birth mark.." Jungkook said touching his scar. Taehyung nodded in return.

When Taehyung kept looking at the scar with an unknown emotion Jungkook felt like something flashed in his head.. more like a memory.. a memory of a boy who threw a twig to another boy who covered his face in pain and cried. Jungkook felt like he was the boy who was crying in pain, his face stinked at the exact moment.

Meanwhile Taehyung felt an urge to caress the scar and he did exactly that.

"I am sorry.." he whispered while touching the scar like he was responsible for that mark. Jungkook felt a pang in his heart and he backed off his hands immediately. He took steps back from Taehyung.

"Jungkook..I am.."

"Excuse me.." Jungkook said and ran away from there with a shocked face. Taehyung looked at the way he went and looked at his shaking hand, that touched Jungkook's face. His warmth was still there. And what was that feeling?

Jimin and Yoongi were seeing everything became tensed seeing Jungkook running away. Jimin looked at Yoongi and he nodded in return. Jimin ran away to follow Jungkook.

Jungkook stopped on the beach, away from the crowd. A pair of eyes flashed in his mind in loop. It wasn't blue.. it wasn't green..but in between. Just like Taehyung's.. but it wasn't Taehyung. A noise like roar of a vehicle echoed with the eyes. Jungkook clenched his head in pain.

He felt delusional.. like he was going crazy.. he screamed frustrated to threw away the pictures from his head.

"Ahh.. Kookie.. you are here.. I was looking for you.." Jimin said like he was casually looking for him. But Jungkook didn't turn around.

"Kookie?" Jimin placed his hand on his shoulder and Jungkook flinched and turned around. Jimin's eyes widened seeing his best friend. His eyes were blood shot..the was sweating profusely..

"You okay?" Jimin asked worried.

"Jim.. there.. is something.. Taehyung.. he.." Jungkook looked terrified and Jimin became more tensed. He nodded like encouraging the man to continue.

"Something is wrong with us Jim.. he is.. Jimin.. I am scared..." Saying that Jungkook hugged his best friend for his dear life. Jimin held him assuring and patted his back in a comforting way, whispering so many nothing.

Hurray...buckle up...

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