25 • After Effects

52 4 0

Instructor Chen Feng always remembers September 26th.

The heat of July is scorching, summer is gone and autumn is coming. Liangcheng is experiencing a pleasant climate with clear skies and refreshing air.

At around three o’clock in the afternoon, he suddenly received a call from the headquarters of the peacekeeping force stationed in the East Country. It was Luo Taehyung  who called and said that something serious had happened to Li Jungkook .

He was Injured by a close-range human-demolition bomb and his life was hanging by a thread.

Luo Taehyung  didn’t have any more information at the time, but just asked him to be mentally prepared and notify Li Jungkook ’s family.

When Chen Feng heard the words “notify family members”, he realized the seriousness of the situation.

That afternoon, Chen Feng was almost going crazy, asking people everywhere for help. It was not until late at night that he pieced together the whole clue.

Li Jungkook  was too close to the explosives and fainted on the spot. He was sent to a nearby field hospital for emergency treatment, but he suffered brain damage, broken ribs, a punctured liver, and a broken leg, not to mention multiple organ damage and skin injuries. If it weren’t for the protective suit, he would have died long ago.

The order from above was to rescue the patient at all costs. The field hospital had limited capacity, so the local military immediately used a helicopter to transport the patient to the capital of a neighboring country, summoned the best expert doctors for surgery, and rescued him for more than ten hours.

Li Jungkook  was seriously injured and was in a coma for a week before he woke up. His condition recurred and he was in critical condition several times. It was more than half a month before he gradually stabilized and returned home.

A month later, his Injuries elsewhere were gradually getting better under the treatment of top doctors, but his hearing in both ears was severely damaged. His superiors hired the best specialists to treat him. However, after repeated surgeries, although his hearing showed some signs of recovery, his severe tinnitus and dizziness almost crippled him.

Experts tried again and again, but were always helpless.

He was like a machine that was being repaired again and again and was on the verge of its limit.

Now, three months have passed in the blink of an eye. The United States is his last straw.

It was just after Christmas and New York City was freezing cold.

Chen Feng stood in the slowly rising sightseeing elevator of the hospital. Downstairs was the bustling streets of New York City. There was a festive atmosphere on the streets, but he had no intention of enjoying the scenery.

Li Jungkook  stood beside him, looking into the void expressionlessly. The scenery outside the window passed through his pupils like running water, leaving no trace.

Chen Feng suddenly remembered that when Li Jungkook  was first sent back to China, he lay in bed day after day, clearly awake, but with his eyes closed, unwilling to communicate with the outside world. For many days, he didn’t say a word. It was not until the nurse changed his clothes that Chen Feng saw the scars on his back that were as dense as spider webs. It was shocking, and he could vaguely imagine what he had experienced at the moment of the explosion.

Chen Feng said, “A-Jungkook , don’t be afraid, it will be cured. Jackson is the best military otolaryngologist in the United States. The surgery he performed on you was very effective. Can you hear a little now? Take your time, it will be fine.”

Li Jungkook  did not respond and remained motionless.

Chen Feng held his shoulders, turned him around, and asked, “Are you not wearing hearing aids?”

“I wear it.” Li Jungkook  said.

Chen Feng took a closer look and found that there was indeed a very small flesh-colored hearing aid embedded in his right ear.

Chen Feng didn’t say anything more. He was about to sigh, but held it back.

The elevator arrived and the two walked out.

Dr. Jackson started to be responsible for Li Jungkook ’s treatment a month ago. This time Li Jungkook  came to undergo surgery again.

After examining Li Jungkook , he said, “It is very difficult and takes a long time to recover to the previous state. But we will take it slowly and make a plan based on the recovery situation. We will try to improve hearing a little bit with each operation and try to use hearing aids to achieve daily life functions. As for whether we can get rid of hearing aids, we will see the results in the future.”

Li Jungkook  had pneumonia some time ago due to his weak body. He has not recovered yet. He coughed twice and said, “Now, tinnitus and dizziness affect me more than hearing.”

“How frequent and intense are the symptoms?”

“It happens once every hour…” Li Jungkook  opened his mouth, his eyes a little obscure, and whispered, “The sound is very loud, like it is exploding all the time.”

Doctor Jackson couldn’t help but frowned slightly, but then smiled and said, “There will be some tinnitus and dizziness during the recovery period. You are very weak now, which will also affect the recovery effect. Don’t be anxious, take your time.”

After the meeting, Li Jungkook  was taken to the ward by a nurse.

As he left, the military doctor glanced at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng stayed alone and asked the doctor: “Is there anything wrong?”

The military doctor sighed, “The surgery I performed on him last time was actually very successful. As I just said, there will be tinnitus during the recovery period… But from the condition he described, the severity of his experience has exceeded the actual extent I have seen from a medical perspective.”

Chen Feng felt his scalp tingling after hearing this. He rubbed his forehead vigorously and asked, “Does that mean you don’t have any other solution?”

Jackson said, “I wonder if Lieutenant Lee… has some psychological problems that are hindering his subconscious recovery; or, in other words, exacerbating the symptoms he is feeling.”

Chen Feng said: “He was a bomb disposal soldier, but he was injured by a bomb. He must have psychological trauma. Now, whenever he encounters bomb disposal, or just thinks about it, his head and ears will be in pain.”

The military doctor said, "Many bomb disposal soldiers I’ve seen have the same condition as him. Being injured by a bomb at close range will leave a serious fear. However, for his condition, I suspect there may be other reasons that you don’t know about. … In any case, I suggest you try some other treatment methods and approaches.”

“Okay. I’ll keep an eye on it, thank you.”

Chen Feng came out of the doctor’s office and walked towards the ward. Just as he was about to push the door, he heard a sudden noise inside, as if someone had kicked the wall hard.

This is very unfamiliar to Chen Feng.

He stopped outside the door and looked through the glass.

Li Jungkook  stood by the window with his head tilted up, his jaw clenched, his chest heaving violently, and his fists clenched tightly. After a few seconds, he took a deep breath and took a few steps to try to control something, but the pain in his heart could not be relieved at all. He bent down deeply, supported his knees with his hands, and breathed heavily as if he was about to vomit.

The next second, two or three drop” of crystal clear tears fell on the floor.

Chen Feng was startled, but Li Jungkook  had quickly stood up, holding the back of his head with his hands and pacing around the window.

He walked around, almost helpless, holding on to the windowsill with both hands, lowering his head to continue to control his emotions. Suddenly, he couldn’t help coughing, and he couldn’t hold it back anymore, and he coughed violently while covering his mouth.

Chen Feng immediately pushed the door open and took out medicine from his bag and gave it to him.

Li Jungkook ’s face turned red from coughing. He forced himself to drink a few sips of syrup and swallow a few pills, and only then did he feel a little better.

From the moment Chen Feng came in, his expression became much calmer, but he was so tired that he had no strength left and fell on the bed with his eyes closed.

Chen Feng originally wanted to comfort him, but he knew that Li Jungkook  would not listen.

He actually wanted to know what happened that day. He didn’t understand how a professional bomb disposal soldier like Li Jungkook  could be injured by a close-range human bomb in such a situation.

He glanced at Li Jungkook  lying on the hospital bed. He was sleeping peacefully and his hearing aid had been removed.

Chen Feng sighed slightly and shut up.

That day, Song Lisa  washed her hair and rinsed off the foam. She combed her hair and a large mass of messy hair fell to the floor. She combed his hair again and another mass fell to the floor.

She realized belatedly that she had been experiencing severe hair loss during this period.

At noon, she went to the barber shop to get her hair cut.

The barber asked again and again: “Are you sure you want a short haircut?”

“Yeah. If I don’t cut it, my hair will fall out.”

“Cut to the base of the ears?”


The barber gestured a few times and said, “The base of the ears is too short. It doesn’t suit you. How about making it a little longer? To the middle of the neck?”


After getting her hair cut and going to work, he immediately attracted onlookers.

“Lisa cut her hair short? She’s really brave.” Xiaochun has waist-length hair, which she cherishes so much that she is reluctant to cut it even when she is busy at work.

“Does it look good?” Song Lisa  touchd hrhair.

“It looks good.” Xiao Qiu said, “Short hair is very elegant… But other people look more mature with short hair, and you look younger.”

Song Lisa  herself was not used to it. She accidentally scratched the ends of her hair several times while working, thinking it was still long. Only after touching it did she realize that it had really been cut off.

She has been back to work for more than two months, but her work performance has not been very good.

She suffered from insomnia more and more often. At first, she thought that her body had not recovered, but after a few months, her insomnia did not get better. This made her physically exhausted during the day. She could barely cope with domestic news on weekdays, but as long as she encountered the war news in the East, she would feel very uncomfortable. But now she has become the signboard of this field, and any news and programs related to the East cannot avoid her.

As soon as she got to work today, she came across a news report that government forces had recaptured the northeastern suburbs of Hapo City.

Song Lisa  saw the familiar scenes of the suburbs of Hapo in the video, and the scene of September 26th came to her like a flood.

She lowered her head and rubbed her eyes. At this time, Liu Yufei called from the internal line and said that the head of the News Department wanted to see her.

Song Lisa  washed her face and went upstairs.

The minister smiled as soon as he saw her: “Reporter Song cut your hair?”

Song Lisa  touched her head embarrassedly: “Yeah. It’s convenient for washing hair.”

“Very good. I called you here to tell you that this year’s Netherlands International Journalism Award and Pulitzer Prize have selected two of your photos to participate. One is “Carry”, and the other one has not been named yet. I’m waiting for you to name it.”

She turned the computer screen around and saw the one where the kids were waiting for candy.

Song Lisa  saw the extremist’s face and the green smoke coming out of his clothes at a glance.

A child’s soft voice rang in her ears:

“Madam, do you have candy?”

If she hadn’t brought candy that day, and if all the reporters before her hadn’t brought candy, would the suicide bomber’s candy have easily attracted the group of children? Or would the result be the same?

“Have you thought about it?” the minister asked with a smile.

Song Lisa  came back to his senses and said reflexively: “Candy.”

“CANDY?” the minister praised. “What a good name. It fits the bill perfectly. By the way, Candy and Carry, which photo do you think has a better chance of winning the prize?”

Song Lisa  didn’t say anything.

“I think it’s candy. Whether it’s the composition, the color, the characters, the implied story events, and the perfect timing… it’s wonderful.” The director said, looking at her, “Reporter Song, do a good job. The station will treat you as a major news reporter and focus on training you.”

Song Lisa  was stunned.

A big journalist means that she will be given the greatest support and freedom, and can choose the social hot spots she wants to interview and expose. Her words and records will also be given the greatest recognition and authoritative support.

“Thank you, Minister.” Her mind suddenly short-circuited and she couldn’t say anything else. “Thank you.”

“You deserve it. But being a journalist is not easy. You have to keep working hard, keep pursuing and exploring the truth, and keep a rigorous and sincere heart.”

“I will,” she said.

Song Lisa  walked out of the office and stood there for a while, his mind going blank.

She saw her own shadow on the glass window. As she looked at it, she felt inexplicably ashamed and embarrassed. She didn’t dare to face it, so she turned around and quickly walked to the elevator.

“Ding!” The elevator door opened.

The moment they took a step, Song Lisa  and Shen Jennie  inside were both stunned, and then put on polite smiles at the same time.

After not seeing each other for a few months, Shen Jennie  has changed a lot. She has become more fashionable and sophisticated after joining the entertainment department than when she worked in the news department.

Song Lisa  walked in, and the elevator door closed. The two stood side by side.

“Long time no see.” Shen Jennie  said.

“haven’t seen you for a long time.”

“The new hairdo is great.”


The space fell into silence, and the snow-white light shone on the two people.

One second, another second,

The awkwardness that both of them could clearly feel was finally broken – they reached the floor.

They both smiled at the same time.

Shen Jennie : “Come up and play when you have time.”

Song Lisa : “Okay. Goodbye.”

Song Lisa  got out of the elevator and quickly walked into the office area. As soon as she sat down, she started looking through the documents and finally found the phone number of the Security Department, which was the one she left when she contacted Chen Feng for an interview a few months ago.

She dialed the number in one breath.

The person who answered the phone was not Chen Feng.

As for the whereabouts of Chen Feng and Li Jungkook , the answer was that it was a military secret and no answer would be given.

Song Lisa  put down the phone, looked out the window at the bleak and gloomy winter, and was in a daze for a long time.

She actually looked up the Hapo bombing incident, but could not find any information about Li Jungkook .

She couldn’t contact Luo Taehyung  either – the peacekeeping base had been replaced by a new group of troops, and they refused to respond to any incidents involving the previous troops.

Three months.

She had never thought that in this day and age, it would be so easy to completely lose touch with someone.

After get off work that day, Song Lisa  still ran to Luoyu Mountain without giving up.

The mountains were cold and desolate in winter, covered with fallen leaves. Soldiers were standing guard outside the garrison, and she went up to ask about Li Jungkook . The response she got was silence.

She became stubborn and squatted at the door waiting for a long time, fantasizing that she might just run into Li Jungkook  passing by.

Naturally, it was fruitless.

After December, it is the new year.

The temperature in Liangcheng dropped again, and the cold wind blowing from the river could blow the icy moisture into the bones.

In the cold and humid south, air conditioning is of no use at all.

Song Lisa  had to turn on the electric stove when she worked at her desk at home, but even so, her fingers typing on the keyboard were frozen to the bone.

The writing of “Eastern World Floating Chronicle” was not going smoothly. When she opened the manuscript, she simply couldn’t write a decent word.

During this period, her condition became worse and worse. She could still hold on during the day, but when she was alone at night, she would often sit by the window for hours without realizing it, and she couldn’t fall asleep even if she lay in bed.

When the night was quiet, she felt like an isolated island in the darkness.

On the other island, Li Jungkook  seemed to have disappeared. His comb, his apple, his red string, his dance under the moonlight… everything disappeared without a trace, just like the white olive grove in the desert that day.

Disappeared with him were all the joys and sorrows of the East Country, and everything that happened on September 26th.

That tragic past was sealed away before she could even get through it. She couldn’t talk about it with anyone because they hadn’t experienced it, hadn’t witnessed it, and didn’t understand it – it was just a war, what was there to get over?

Human joys and sorrows are not shared. So, she was the only one locked on an isolated island, watching the people on the passing cruise ships singing and dancing, enjoying music every night.

On the first weekend of January, Yang Huilun asked her to go home for dinner.

It was a cold and rainy day, and traffic was jammed.

Song Lisa  sat in the car, listening to the sharp whistles sounding frequently around her. At first she just felt uneasy, but gradually she became annoyed and had a headache. Those sounds cut her nerves like knives.

She felt inexplicably depressed and wanted to scratch the windshield with her fingernails.

Song Rosé  called and asked her where she was, and she said there was a traffic jam.

Ten minutes later, Song Zhicheng called and asked her where she was, and she said there was a traffic jam.

Twenty minutes later, Yang Huilun called and asked her where she was, and she said there was a traffic jam.

Half an hour later, Yang Huilun called again.

Song Lisa  lost control for a moment: “I’ve told you countless times that there’s a traffic jam, why are you rushing me? Don’t call me next time if you’re so impatient!”

She hung up the phone, shaking with anger. But after calming down, she regretted being too rude, not being able to control her emotions, but venting her bad temper on her relatives.

When I got home, it was 7:30 in the evening.

Song Lisa  walked up the stairs with heavy steps, feeling uneasy. She walked to the door and pushed it open. The house was quiet. Song Zhicheng was sitting on the sofa reading the news on his phone, Yang Huilun was heating up the dishes in the kitchen, and Song Rosé  was in the room video chatting with her boyfriend Lu Jaehyun .

Everyone was waiting for her to eat.

Song Lisa ’s eyes became wet and she felt even more guilty.

“I’m back.”

Song Zhicheng put down his phone and went to the kitchen to help serve the dishes. Song Rosé  also hung up the phone and slipped out to call her affectionately: “Sister, are you not carsick?”

“……kind of.”

“Then drink a cup of hot water first.”


The four of them sat around the table to eat. Song Lisa  was a little embarrassed and didn’t say anything. But Song Rosé  talked about her work and kept chattering. She worked as an employee in a small company and her salary was not high. Her monthly salary could not cover her expenses.

But she was willing to go to work with peace of mind, and Yang Huilun was already very satisfied. She said that as long as she worked hard, she would reward her with 500 yuan every month.

Song Rosé  snorted, “What can five hundred do?”

Yang Huilun said: “You only make a little over 2,000 yuan a month, and you’re still complaining?”

Song Zhicheng asked Song Lisa : “I saw on the news that your station is going to submit the photos you took for a competition?”

Song Lisa  said “hmm” vaguely.

“You didn’t tell me such an important important thing, just to make me happy.”

“I was so busy that I forgot.” Song Lisa  said, “There are so many photos participating in the global competition, and I may not win a prize.”

She couldn’t imagine the attacks and abuses she would suffer if she really won the award.

She herself couldn’t tell whether the photo was anti-human.

“I think we will definitely win the prize,” said Song Zhicheng.

“I think so too.” Song Rosé  said, “Foreign media are publishing the pictures taken by my sister.”

“What award?” Yang Huilun didn’t understand.

Song Rosé  said: “It’s amazing. The Nobel Prize in journalism.”

“I knew Lisa would have a bright future. You should learn from your sister. If you just muddle through day by day, I think you will be able to make it big in the future.”

“My sister will become a famous person in the future. Should I be afraid that I won’t have a good life?”

“It’s just a matter of words.”

Song Lisa  ate her meal without saying anything else.

After dinner, Song Zhicheng found a photo of CANDY on her phone and wanted to analyze it with Song Lisa , but Song Lisa  said she was a little tired and didn’t want to talk about work.

Song Zhicheng didn’t force her, but just kept telling her that she had a promising future and was sure that she would win the award.

In the kitchen, Yang Huilun and Song Rosé  quarreled again, still about marriage. Yang Huilun complained that Lu Jaehyun  could not afford to buy a house, and that the betrothal gift from Lu Jaehyun ’s family was too little, and she accused Song Rosé  of paying for it. Song Rosé  thought that betrothal gifts were not popular nowadays, and Yang Huilun was selling her daughter.

The quarrel was very Intense.

Seeing this, Song Lisa  left early.

On the way home, the phone rang. It was the book planner Luo Junfeng.

Song Lisa  rubbed his forehead, took a deep breath, and put on the headphones: “Hello?”

Over the past few months, Luo Junfeng has been following various reports involving Song Lisa , such as peacekeepers, refugee camps, and the border line; he has also been paying attention to Song Lisa ’s own news and is well aware of her injuries, fame, and controversies.

Because of this understanding, he was even more looking forward to the completion of the manuscript of “Eastern Floating World Chronicle”. He intuitively felt that it would be a good book that would cause a huge response in society.

But Song Lisa  told him the truth, she was not in a good state and could not write anything.

Luo Junfeng asked: “You can’t even write a manuscript for your normal work?”

“I’m not very focused. But if I try hard, I can write it.”

“Can’t you write this book?”


“How about looking back at the text and video materials recorded in the East Country?”

Song Lisa  was silent.

“You didn’t see it?”

“…Yeah.” She never touched that memory again.

Luo Junfeng was silent for a while and asked, “Song Lisa .”


“Do you feel you have let this country down, especially the people you’ve photographed?”

Song Lisa  drove the car without answering.

“Have you seen a psychiatrist since you returned home?”

“I’m fine.”

“I have been on duty for two months, witnessed several battles and civilian casualties, a massacre, was injured by an explosion, and suffered verbal attacks. None of these can be described as ‘nothing’. I think it was ‘nothing’.” He said, “You need to see a psychiatrist in your current state. If you delay any further, I’m afraid something bad will happen.”

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