44 • Longing

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On December 1st, it was a very foggy day in the imperial city, with the PM2.5 index exceeding 500.

Song Lisa  took Ran Yuwei to the hospital for a follow-up checkup and returned home. As soon as She entered the door, she turned on all four air purifiers.

“Why don’t we just go back to the south and stay in the countryside for a while. In the winter in the imperial city, there’s smog every day. Even if you’re not sick, you’ll get cancer.”

“I can’t leave. Besides, it’s cold and damp over there in the winter. I’m afraid I’ll get rheumatism right after recovering from my lung disease.”

Song Lisa  knew that she could not persuade her, so she ignored her. She poured pure water into the humidifier and plugged it in.

Two months ago, Ran Yuwei was discharged from the hospital after her condition stabilized. After that, she received treatment according to the steps and her health improved a lot. She returned to work a long time ago. However, Song Lisa  kept a close eye on her and would drag her out of the office on the day of the follow-up examination.

She sat on the sofa, drank some water, and habitually turned on the TV to watch international news.

Country A and Country B are arguing over mad cow disease and beef import quarantine; Country C and Country D are criticizing each other for potential safety risks in automobile manufacturing; Country E and Country F are accusing each other of raising agricultural tariffs;

And the East Country,

“…After a year and four months of war, the government army finally recaptured 60% of the historical and cultural city of Ale, and plans to complete the overall recovery of the city in the near future. With Ale as the dividing line, if the defense war is successful, the government army will recover more than half of the territory of the East Country, that is, all the prosperous areas in the south. The rebels will be forced to go north to the desert to compete with extremist organizations for territory.

Last week, the extremist group publicly executed 58 government soldiers and civilians and released the video on…”

A blurred video was playing on the TV screen.

Ran Yuwei looked at Song Lisa .

She watered the green plants at home, then went to the balcony to collect clothes, and piled up a large pile of clothes and folded them on the sofa.

Ran Yuwei asked: “You haven’t contacted each other?”

Song Lisa : “Yeah.”

“I planned to go to the East Country this time, but I didn’t tell him.”


Ran Yuwei sighed, “I don’t think there’s anything to argue about. If he were a junior clerk and you were a war correspondent, and he thought Dongguo was dangerous and didn’t allow you to go, would you quit? You stepped on a bomb and encountered an explosion, isn’t it dangerous? I’m your mother, how many times have I told you not to go, did you listen? He’s a soldier, and if he has to discuss the mission with you, such a man is useless.

Men can love women, but they can’t listen to women in everything. The same goes for women. No one should depend on anyone else, and they should listen to their own hearts. If your hearts are in sync, you are the best couple; if not, break up as soon as possible and don’t harm each other.

Song Lisa  folded clothes and frowned: “I know. You don’t need to tell me.”

“I know everything, what are you guys making a fuss about?”

Song Lisa  said nothing.

She sent Li Jungkook  to the airport two or three months ago.

At that time, her emotions were too unstable. Various emergencies happened one after another. She was nervous and panicked, and her actions inevitably carried the urge to vent.

She couldn’t sleep that night, thinking about how he would look when he saw the text message more than ten hours later, she cried again out of heartache. She waited until the plane landed, waiting for him to reply.

I thought that according to his personality, even if he didn’t coax her, he would at least say a few words. She was so soft-hearted, so she must have…

But he really didn’t contact her again.

Didn’t even reply to that text message.

What else could she do, since she had said it first?

But after she calmed down, she figured out some things – there was no way Li Jungkook  could hide things from the instructor.

She had watched Ran Yuwei handle affairs since she was a child, and she also understood many international operations. When she calmed down and thought about it, she knew what was going on.

It Is nothing more than an exchange of interests between countries – country A secretly provides military assistance to country B, and after country B’s regime is stabilized, it returns huge international benefits to country A, such as oil, natural gas, minerals, international votes, etc.

Even if the old regime falls and the new one rises, country A claps and applauds, and there is no sign of it on the surface. They shake hands and are still good friends. It’s just hard for those soldiers who carry out secret missions for the country.

Merits are not counted, sacrifices are not mentioned.

Song Lisa  took a breath silently, his heart aching.



“I hate myself sometimes.”

Ran Yuwei was stunned: “Why?”

“Maybe you are right. If I were stronger, I might not get sick.” Song Lisa  looked up and smiled at her.

“…” Ran Yuwei was shocked. Although she had always been strict with her daughter, she regretted what she said and wanted to say something. Song Lisa  went into the room with the folded clothes. When she came out, she took a piece of paper and said, “I printed out the review schedule and the expert’s phone number for you. I sent the electronic version to your secretary.”

Ran Yuwei said: “Your mother is still sick, so she ran to the East Country.”

“…I didn’t see you say you were sick while you were working?”


“I have decided to write the Floating World Chronicle properly. Ale’s position is too important. I must be there on the day of recovery. Didn’t you tell me to go and pursue what I really want?”

Ran Yu sighed: “Go ahead. You’re not here…”

“You have to take good care of yourself even when I’m not around. I’ll call my secretary to check on you.”


East Country, Su Rui City, East Suburb.

As December came, the climate became cooler than in summer, but it was still 28.9 degrees Celsius near noon, and the surface temperature was over 30.

This street on the south side of the eastern suburbs was empty and quiet. At the end of the road, several soldiers were patrolling at the entrance of the terrorist organization’s small base.

Laughter came from several directions in the headphones.

Assaulter Kevin laughed and said, “Jim, so you are a lady. Let me see if there is a pussy in your pants!”

“Get out!” Jimin ordered into the microphone on his collar, “I’ll keep watch here. J, M, K, you three go to the back and rescue the prisoners and hostages.”


The three men jumped from their respective hiding spots and rushed to the other side of the street, where more than 200 government prisoners and civilians were held and were to be publicly executed tomorrow.

The headphones went silent. At the explosion point, the flames were crackling.

Jimin turned his head to look at Li Jungkook , who seemed to be sleeping.

“Why did you stop upstairs just now?” Jimin said, “This is very dangerous. You should know that.”

“This street looks familiar, as if I’ve been here before.”

“What did you come for?”

He slowly opened his eyes and said, “I saved a girl.”

Before Jimin could ask more, Kevin’s report came through his earphones: “B.O., there’s a bomb in the prison.”

Benjamin: “Where is Ann?”

“On the wall.”

“Evacuate the crowd and let it explode.”


There was no objection over there.

In the past three months, their team’s mission was mainly to eliminate the scattered bases of terrorist organizations and rescue hostages and prisoners. They had never encountered a bomb attack. Instead, Li Jungkook  made a lot of bombs and blasting devices for combat use.

At the beginning, their team had a French bomb disposal soldier, but less than two days after they were assembled, he ran in the wrong direction due to a lack of coordination during a combat mission in the capital Gamma, was hit in the head by a bullet and died on the spot.

His girlfriend came the next day and cried while holding the body.

Jimin and the others went up to comfort her, but Li Jungkook  did not, and turned around and left without saying a word.

Jimin guessed something, but he didn’t ask and never mentioned song again.

In mid-December, Song Lisa  boarded a plane to Gamma.

The plane chased the sunset all the way to the west, and the afterglow shone through the windows and filled the cabin. The stewardess came over and closed the windows one by one to help the passengers fall asleep.

Song Lisa  covered herself with a thin blanket, tilted her head, but couldn’t fall asleep.

After more than a year away, she wondered if Dongguo would be different from what she remembered. She was anxious and uneasy about all the unknowns that were about to happen, but she was also looking forward to it.

As expected, she still have a special feeling for this land.

Whether it is to wash away the past, to atone for sins, or just for her dreams, the journey ahead will surely be unforgettable for her.

At this moment, she finally faced up to her inner desires.

As if driven by some invisible force, she couldn’t help wanting to come to the East. Just like Li Jungkook , he must have had a strong desire.

His reasons were a secret, just as her reasons were a secret to him.

They are all looking for comfort, peace of mind, happiness, and the best medicine to heal their wounds. To some extent, they have found a lot; to some extent, they have also covered up some of it.

In the end, you have to rely on yourself to heal the last scar.

In this way, the plane arrived in Gama amidst melancholy, reflection, anxiety and deep thought.

At six o’clock in the afternoon local time, the sunset enveloped this ancient city with thousands of years of history.

The first time she saw him again through the porthole, Song Lisa ’s heart skipped a beat.

The war destroyed most of the city. The once magnificent ancient buildings, temples and stone arches were now scarred and in ruins.

She held the camera and leaned against the window to take pictures. A stinging pain came over her heart, as if she saw an old friend who had not been seen for many days and was devastated.

After leaving the airport, the familiar heat wave hit her in the face, like a warm and old-fashioned hug from an old friend.

Song Lisa  said: “I have a friend who is a student at this university.”

She told Sasin before coming, but Sasin never responded to the message.

She couldn’t help but worry, but she comforted herself that he might have gone to a remote place.

After the sun sets, it gets dark quickly and the temperature drops rapidly.

Song Lisa  settled down and went to visit the university. Half of the school library was destroyed in the bombardment, and there was no time to repair it. Some students were sitting in the semi-open library reading by lamplight at night.

In the laboratory building, the gray-haired professor led the young students in doing experiments and explaining topics, racing against time to teach and impart knowledge.

For students in this country, every minute and every second is precious.

Song Lisa  took a round of photos and returned to the hotel at ten o’clock in the evening.

She stayed in Gama for one night and set out for Ale early the next morning.

Driving north, the cities and towns she passed by were all in ruins. The war had severely devastated the once prosperous country. Buildings in the city were damaged, roads were rough, and people were scavenging in the ruins; farmland in the countryside was looted on a large scale, and crops were burned black. Old men and women in tattered clothes took their children to the fields to look for the remaining wheat and barley to fill their stomachs.

Even the olive groves along the way were covered in dust and looked listless.

Not long after they started walking, they encountered another government checkpoint. Song Lisa  took off her mask and hat, rolled down the car window, and the hot midday wind blew in, carrying with it flying dust.

The officer checking the documents was strong and had a stern face. He looked at the document and then at her, gazing back and forth.

He frowned and tried to spell her name: “Song Lisa ?”

According to the English pronunciation, it sounds like “soft”.

Song Lisa  nodded: “yes.”

The officer narrowed his eyes and asked, “Candy?”

Song Lisa  was wondering why she wanted candy? The next second, she realized it, her face went numb, and she nodded slightly.

The officer handed the paperwork back to her and said quietly: “!” (Great photo!)

Song Lisa  was shocked.

The officer said something in Eastern dialect to her companions around her. The serious soldiers smiled kindly and some gave her a thumbs-up.

Song Lisa  felt guilty and lucky, smiled at them and got into the car. She put on her hat and mask and prepared to start the car.

The big officer leaned over to her car window and handed her a piece of local candy from the East: “Candy.”

Song Lisa  took the piece of fruit candy with body temperature, raised her face and smiled: “Thank you!”

She galloped all the way across the thorny wasteland. The hot wind in the desert seemed to warm her whole body and heart.

Very warm.

She followed the safe route provided by the government forces and wound her way to the city of Ale.

After more than a year away, the city of Ale is no longer the same as when she left.

On the wide and grand streets, the cement has been blasted into uneven patches; the rows and rows of magnificent ancient buildings are now in ruins; the bustling bazaars are run-down and dilapidated; the streets are sparsely populated, and no longer as prosperous as they once were.

Song Lisa  settled in the student dormitory of Ale University.

Located in a war zone, the university has been closed for a long time and some of its dormitories have been rented out to foreign journalists and international organizations.

After checking in, Song Lisa  contacted Jose, a reporter from the East. This time, she received support from the East Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which provided assistance in many aspects, from accommodation to interviews. Jose is a professional reporter from the East Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and he provided assistance with specific details.

But Jose went to Surui City for a temporary mission and will not be back until tomorrow.

Jose apologized over the phone.

Song Lisa  hurriedly said that it was okay and she just needed to rest.

After hanging up the phone, Song Lisa  was stunned for a moment, remembering that Su Ruicheng was the place where she and Li Jungkook  first met.

That city is probably in ruins now.

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