A Saiyan's Scent

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Trunks had left Meira beside herself because of him revealing that he first turned a super saiyan when he was 8. Much like his father, she could not fathom the Saiyan race's legendary power falling into the hands of a child.

He would have much preferred to stay with her and explain things over, but the meeting that he had forgotten all about the day before had to commence at some point. His colleagues were kind enough to postpone the meeting to a later time that day. Additionally spending a lot of time in bed with her after she briefly mentioned that she might not be able to control herself enough to not procreate with him if they were alone for a year, did a few things to him. 

He sighed as he stood in the shower turning the warm water off, so that only cold water flowed from the pipes. He sighed, once again not excited to wash her scent off of him.

"Surely there is a way to keep it longer," he sighed as he watch the water go down the drain. He considered getting the shirt that his mother retrieved from Meira's tail the night before and wearing that one instead of a fresh clean one. He soon blushed and cringed at his train of thought.

" Does the fact that we are a 'pair' as my father said, mean that this is my instincts rather than me just being a genuine creep?" he wondered to himself,

"Well, since I am talking to myself again, I am thinking that its leaning towards creep," he sweat-dropped, as he got out of the shower. He looked at himself in the mirror and noticed that his muscles looked more defined than they had in a while, he tilted his head in curiosity knowing that he had not trained that much and even when factoring in his brief spar with Meira, it did not seem enough to tone him up the way he was. He flexed and laughed a little at his teenage curiosity at his own body, it just be Saiyan genes, then again all changes in himself seemed to be caused by Meira these passed few days.

He was half-dressed when he suddenly had an idea, he went to his closet and took out all of his shirts as well as a few of his casual ones and made his way to Meira's room.


Meira got out of the shower, afraid that whoever had changed her in her sleep might feel the need to change her again if she did not. She could care less if it was Prince Vegeta or his mate, all she cared was to not make Trunks become feral when he got home after his meeting. She could imagine his rage at discovering his father's scent on her, while also seeing that her clothes were changed again. It made sense why he had transformed into a super saiyan, even if she could not understand how he could sleep in such a state it did not change the fact that he was riled up enough to turn Super Saiyan. She blushed at the fact that she did not recognize him, it was not one of her brightest moments, her sisters were probably laughing their heads off at her stupidity.

 She also decided to ignore the additional heat covering her by just thinking of his super saiyan form, she was not a fool, she knew that her genes made her undoubtedly more attracted to him because of his sheer power. He had disarmed her in less than a second, as if it were as easy as breathing. Her struggling against him made little to no difference, had he been someone else she would have been loathing him and her self for being weaker than him. Had he been a foe, she might have been trembling. However, knowing that he was her future mate, had her smirk with pride. Vegeta and Trunks' age did not hold a candle to his son, she was sure that that fact made the Saiyan king proud. Her lack of interest in finding a mate suddenly made a lot of sense, no man in her time would have cut it. Fate had a strange way of working things out for her.

Just then she heard Trunks' footsteps on his way to her room,

" He must be coming to give his greetings before going to work," Meira mumbled to herself ignoring her blush which was a reaction to her blatant excitement for such a domestic exchange. Her tail swayed side-to-side at a speed and she sweat-dropped as she tried to will it to be some semblance of its normal state before appearing before the young prince. He would undoubtedly tease her if her were to it in such a state. She wrapped her towel tightly around herself and pinned her misbehaving tail to her body with it in the process. She entered her room just as he knocked,

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