Archaic Customs

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Once Trunks left, the tension in the air finally wore off. Meira slumped against the door knowing that their interactions would take more and more self control moving forward. She open her window once she was sure that Trunks had taken off to his destination, in order to cool herself down. 

Meira could not help but smile at herself when she thought back to Trunks' face when he received his shirt, he looked as if she had just gifted him a planet with developing nations on it.  She found his innocence incredibly endearing. He tried to not make it so obvious, but he was incredibly easy to read and awful habit to have as a warrior. Her mind lingered on how the sparkle in his eye seemed to darken as Trunks' instincts began to take over him and for the first time since hearing of their situation, she was happy that he was a half-breed. A full saiyan would have taken her glare as a challenge and would have been more motivated to break the door and complete what his instincts were telling him to do. She sighed, she doubt that he even understood what he was behaviour was trying to get him to do. 


After dressing for the day and completing her stretches, she decided that now would be the best time to get some actual training in. 

She walked into the kitchen where she could see Vegeta leaning against the island, probably waiting for her, 

"Your Highness," She said and bowed, Vegeta nodded to her, having almost forgotten how formal she could be. He watched her, she looked as if it was any other day on the ship, not as if she had just discovered that her life as she knew it was completely redefined, not as if she had just found out about the deaths of all her comrades', as if she did not just discover that her power that was renown throughout many solar systems had become so remedial. Instead, she stood before him, ready to face another day. She may not be the physically strongest saiyan for the time being, but she was facing something Vegeta was sure would cause him to fly into a star without a second thought. She had not forgotten what she represented. 

"There are a few humans preparing a meal as we speak, the food should be here shortly," He said, taking a seat at the kitchen's island, trying to bring himself out of his own thoughts.

 She took in her surrounding and could hear what Vegeta spoke about. She could hear a few humans shuffling throughout the building. It never occurred to her that there would more than one area to prepare food in their castle-like dwelling, but it did make sense to have more areas. She nodded and remained standing, her tail moved slightly rigidly up and down, he remembered what that movement meant, 

"Out with it Meira, there is no need with such formalities, no one is here. What is the matter?" Vegeta pressed, she and him were once able to talk to each other candidly. They had been comrades for as long as he could remember. He knew that her current formality was because with in Saiyan specifications, he was a king, but it was so easy for him to forget when he was the only one who would understand what it meant. However standing in front of him was a woman who would treat him as an equal on the battlefield long before he deserved it, one that in a ship with a fleet of heathens, she reminded him of his proud lineage. It was almost comforting to know that she still had the same view, in a place where his blood and heritage was all but forgotten, she stood and reminded him who he was. 

"Forgive my words, but the young prince knows nothing," she said, her hands were slightly shaking. He could understand her frustration, after everything that she had gone through these past few days, she definitely did not deserve having the strain of being around future mate who did not understand what it meant to be a mate. 

"I...I..." he started, but he looked as he was unsure what to say or more about to admit something that he never thought that he had to, 

"I never imagined that any of that information would be necessary," Vegeta admitted, 

"We are aliens on a non-warrior planet, they are no full-blooded females here...The mating process is a lot different to what it would be between two full-blooded saiyans- "  he continued explaining , running a hand frustratedly through his hair, 

"Above anything else, my son is only a half-breed, Kakarot's eldest son did not show any signs of his instincts taking over when he chose his mate," Meira raised an eyebrow, not having expected Vegeta to go as far as to keep tabs on Kakarot's offspring to measure what his son's behaviour would be, 

"I suppose in hindsight, I should have known better, my son has royal blood and would be a member of the Elite Saiyan class if we were still on our home planet, he was sure to have a different genetic response... also you are a full-blooded female," Meira nodded, understanding that the information would be completely useless has Trunks been with anyone else, 

"Lastly... the boy has never shown any actual interest in a female before...I...I assumed that he..." Meira;'s eyebrows almost shot through her hair line and as her head whipped around to meet Vegeta's gaze which made genuine effort to avoid her eyes, 

"You thought... that your son... is -" she tried to hide the chuckle that was fighting to burst from her lips,  Vegeta glared at her, 

"It was a logical assumption, he never had any interest in any female that was in his presence, he works in an environment filled with young fertile women and he has never come home with their scent on him," Meira crossed her arms and decided to ignore the "fertile" comment until a later stage, 

"He was also around that Kakarot's 'mini-me' all the time and I thought that perhaps they-" he was cut off by Meira laughter, he watched her double over in laughter, grabbling hold of the counter for dear life, he started to realize how ridiculous he sounded and he blushed in embarrassment but joined in her laughter as well. 

Once they sobered up, they looked at each other, 

"Someone on the spiritual plain seems to have it out for us, my leige," Meira said, shaking her head, as took a seat on the opposite side of the kitchen island,  when they watched their home planet blown into smithereens right next to each other, s

"Perhaps, or in fact, someone up there is looking out for us?" Vegeta said, 

"How so?"

"It seems that when worlds end, and civilizations fall, we are always able to stand together and laugh, " he said, she nodded in affirmation, remembering how they would always find comradery in the demise of nations at their own hands, it was a passed that neither of them was proud of, but it was their past, they were not alone, 

"Even when its our own," Vegeta said under his breath more to himself than her, she knew what he meant, their race was doomed to water down no matter how they looked at it, there were not enough full-blooded saiyan's in  their remaining troop,  and with her and Trunks being a pair, any chance of her willingly carrying a bastard for any of the remaining full-blooded males were snuffed out. 

Their morbid moment was brought to an abrupt halt when a small group of humans walked in briskly. They were all dressed in white, with ridiculous looking hats on their heads, they each placed different trays of food down, and hurriedly made their way out of the door again. Not sparing of them a glance and not saying word. She looked at Vegeta who sat with his eyes closed and arms crossed, 

"Some things will never change, " Meira noted looking at him, 

"All because my mate happens to be a member of their species does not mean that they are my equals, and they are not equal to you either, so do not behave otherwise, " he instructed her as he picked up a fruit off of a tray, she watched him chew until he swallowed and then looked at her, she picked up her own fruit and started eating as well. It was a Saiyan custom for warriors to let other warriors that out rank them, eat first. It was a sign of respect as well as a way to make sure that the strongest warriors are properly feed if there was any shortage, it would not impede on their own strength but instead it would only impact the lesser warriors. This was the first time that Meira had to wait for Vegeta to have his first bite, it would have been a proud moment if Vegeta did not have a smug look on his face that made Meira roll her eyes before she could stop herself. She was about to apologize for her blatant disrespect, but Vegeta shook his head and chuckled. 

Something told her that the two of them were going to find a lot of humour in commemorating their race's archaic customs. 

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