in perpetuum comrades

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After their meal, they sat in silence for a bit, hearing the shuffling of people and whirring of machinery in the house, 

"I got pulled into the after realm," Meira said breaking the silence, Vegeta's eyes shot to her, the 'after realm' was the place where all saiyan warriors went after their passing, it was said that in times when a saiyan very close to them passed away, Saiyans were pulled there by their ancestors, to put them back into shape, have their last goodbyes and get closure. Vegeta had believed that the place was a myth after all he had lost. His father did not pull him, he supposes that kings were not supposed to have moments like those. When Meira was still believed to be dead, he had always wondered why she never pulled him, he looked at her, he knew that despite his crude advances, he meant something to her, but he much preferred this. He knows that this world is far different from the ones that she had known, and it would be a big adjustment for her, but he could not help be selfishly happy that she was back. 

"They were so overjoyed that you survived," she said, a very sad smile on her face,

"Their smiles almost made it all worth it when I told them that you are all  Super Saiyans," she said, he felt pride, the same pride she had in telling her sisters, but looked away when he noticed her eyes start to moisten. He was not as close to all of them as he was to her, but they had all trained him at some point, they had all thrown themselves in the line of fire for his sake many times. They all had his respect as warriors and as individuals. 

"They were all there, doing what they loved the most," she said, her voice-cracking, 

"The last cub..." she started, Vegeta watched her fist shake, he too felt a familiar fire build in his chest in thought of what that baby's life would have meant to their race, a Super Saiyan and a full-blooded baby, that would have been enough to set them all ablaze,

"He looked just like Kakarot," she deadpanned, causing Vegeta's face to twitch in slight annoyance, as if he needed another reason to respect that clown, he hated how much respect his battle presence commanded. The Saiyan's beacon of hope, with spikey hair, jutting out in all directions, with Bardock's face... fate had a funny way of always having its way. It could not have that cub, so instead Kakarot had took up the title. Vegeta scoffed. 

He watched Meira, being pulled by her sisters must have been the reason that she slept that long. She must have spent as much time as her body could allow her with them. He was glad that she returned, there were many times when a Saiyan pulled by their loved ones chose to stay in the after realm. In happened so frequently on the ship. Eternal rest. He used to believe that it was for cowards, but as he looked at the woman who brought nations to their knees, it did not seem so cowardly anymore. Yet she still came back no doubt for his son. 

Mates. Pairs. Cubs. The after realm and being pulled to it. Traditions and customs. The Saiyan race was so complex. These were all terms and behaviours that he believed would go with him to the after realm.  He was never as happy to be wrong as he was right then.

He watched her again. He had no doubt that she was itching to train. She probably found it unbearable being the weakest of their race, not that she actually was, that title belonging to his ever elusive daughter, whom was yet to meet his returned comrade. He suddenly felt immensely grateful that Bulma had decided to send her to finish her schooling abroad. He could only imagine Meira's reaction to meeting his non-warrior daughter. She would attempt to train her the very instant that she sensed Bulla's power level, or more correctly lack there of. Vegeta almost flinched at the thought. Meira's training... was hell.  He hated it back then, especially when they used to train alone. He was a young prince trying to make his father proud and she was one of the best warriors in the fleet, they sparred relentlessly, each session ended with her without a scratch and him in desperate need of medical attention. Not that anyone would know, he planned to carry that information to the grave. It was then that he respected her, or more correctly learned to respect her. Despite her being of the elite class of Saiyan, he was still of royal blood, which meant that he had a chip on shoulder. She broke him, with sheer strength. She showed him far one had to push themselves to obtain power. Each time he was rushed off to a medical facility, he came back stronger,

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