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Charlotte :

This weekend has been such a bust. I've been staying inside for weeks. I can't control my crying at night, so my best friend, Kika, comes over to comfort me. Everytime Pierre and Kika try to invite me somewhere, I promise them I would get up and enjoy myself. It never happens. Recently, my boyfriend of 3 years and I decided to split because I found out he cheated on me with one of my friends from high school. I should have saw the change of his behavior and his actions. He practically didn't want to do anything romantic with me anymore and he was always leaving the apartment. Kika saw my instagram post of me crying in her and Pierre's arms, with the caption being "breakups - 1." She felt so bad for me, so her and Pierre decided to plan something for me. Pierre and Kika have been dating for years. The four of us would always go in double dates after Pierre's Grand Prixs. Cameron would take me sometimes, but we aren't rich like Kika and Pierre. As they took their time planning, they texted me saying we were going to Monaco for a week, and because Pierre has a race on Sunday. I took the offer because I think it was time to get things off my mind and start fresh. I texted Kika about the decision the next morning.

Charlotte : Good morning Kika !
Kika : Charlotte good morning !! You're up early, you're always sleeping until 11:00.
Charlotte : Haha very funny. I wanted to get up early and go to a cafe for breakfast.
Kika : That sounds good ! Have you taken up on our offer ?
Charlotte : I did ! I think I should go ! I need to get a fresh start and move on. Besides, I've always wanted to go to Monaco.
Kika : Okay great !! You never know charlotte, you could meet a new guy..
Charlotte : Haha, maybe. I gotta go, I have to get ready for breakfast and an interview later ! Love you !

I put on some music, and put my phone on do not disturb. I turned on the shower and let it heat up. As the shower was running, I ran to my closet and picked out some jeans, with a white top and brown boots. I placed everything on my bed and went back to the bathroom. Half n hour later I got dressed and headed to the kitchen to grab my keys. I did a natural look today because I was just going to the cafe in the city.

I arrived in the cafe and waited in line. When it was my turn, I asked for a latte. The guy behind the counter was sweet enough to give me a discount since he saw my instagram profile of me being "famous." I wouldn't consider myself famous to be honest, but if other people are thinking that, then that's a step. It's 11:00. I got in my car and went back to my apartment. I had 05 minutes to get ready for the call. I sat at the kitchen counter and waited. A few minutes go by and I received the call from Formula 01.

"Hello! Good morning Charlotte, this is Formula 01, we wanted to reach out to you and give you an opportunity to talk about a job offer. We noticed your great photography skills, and we would love for you to come this weekend in Monaco to shoot some photos for the drivers and the sceneries. We have already paid for your paddock ticket and V.I.P ticket. Please arrive by Wednesday afternoon, we have a hotel room booked for you, and everything is set up ! We look forward on meeting you. Have a great rest of your day!"

I was in complete shock. I was so happy I had to text Kika. Pierre and Kika was getting ready and packing for Monaco, but I didn't want to leave with them since they have to be there before Wednesday. I still had a day to get ready. I went on instagram and posted a picture of me announcing my job. Caption: "Hi everyone! I recently got a job opportunity to shoot some photos for the formula 01 drivers in Monaco this weekend! Im so excited to meet everyone." I look at the comments a few minutes later and it was full with fans and a few drivers.

Oscar Piastri: "Hoping you'll be in McLaren!"
Pierre Gasly: "My best friend getting her dream job! So proud can't wait to see you with Kika."
Charles Leclerc: "You'll definitely be invited to Ferrari."
Carlos Sainz under Charles Leclerc's comment: "One hundred percent!"
Charlottenumber1fan: "OMG THIS IS BIG!"
Charlottefanaccount: "Will you be in Miami after Monaco?"

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