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Charlotte :

Aunt Kathy and I arrived at the venue. It was absolutely beautiful. It was a pretty far drive, so it was understandable to leave earlier. It was in front of a forest. The back had windows that were so clear you couldn't even notice they were there, along with wooden pillars that made diamond shapes and left huge amounts of light. Wooden pillars were reached to the ceiling from the middle of the walls, a huge chandelier was hanging from the ceiling, lights were placed on the side of the walls, the seats gave enough room for the bride to walk down the aisle, and flowers were places on the side of all chairs. There were a few flowers hanging from the pillars. The after party was at our house. Since we have a big back yard, my aunt and uncle wanted it to be there. Yes, there will be lots and i mean lots of people. They wanted this night to be the best night they ever had. Lando, my uncle, my father, and Brandon stayed behind to help set up. My uncle hired people to cook the food for us, and hired a DJ. They really went out.

We got to the dressing room and placed our stuff down. A girl comes in and tells my aunt to put her dress on. She was so excited she rushed to close the door. I place all the makeup out on my dresser as she changes. I started to do my makeup, when all of the sudden the girl comes back in and tells me to put my dress on. I sighed silently and went to change in the bathroom. I still didn't know what to do with my hair. I slipped the dress on and tied it in the back. I made sure the straps were good enough so they don't slip off if I party too hard. I walk back to the dressing room and close the door behind me.

"Mon bébé, tu es si jolie dans cette robe. Fais un petit tour pour moi! (My baby, you look so pretty in that dress. Do a little twirl for me!)" My aunt Kathy says.

I did what she asked and smiled at her. She loved the design and the crossed straps in the back.

"Lando va adorer cette robe sur vous. Il te l'enlèverait probablement même plus tard ce soir.. (Lando will absolutely love this dress on you. He might even take it off you later tonight..)" She says as she smirks and sits back down.

"Tante Kathy, vraiment?! (Aunt Kathy, really?!)" I say as I quickly say down.
"Quoi? Je peux dire ce que je pense être vrai ou non. En plus, même si vous le faisiez, tout le monde ne l'entendrait même pas, rappelez-vous que votre chambre est insonorisée parce que vous n'arrêtiez pas de jouer avec Kika au téléphone. (What? I get to day what i think is true or not. Besides, even if you do it, everyone wouldn't even hear it, remember your room is sound proof because you kept raging at a game with Kika on the phone.)"

I put my head down and stared at the floor.

"Why do you always think we're gonna do it.." I say as I lift my head.
"Honey, you're at that age. I see the way Lando looks at you, and the way you look at him back. I know you guys at least made out. He is so deeply in love with you, mon amour. When someone is so in love with you, they can't control themselves. I know this because your uncle and I.." she says as I cut her off.
"Aunt Kathy, I know this is your day, but why are we taking about me and Lando? We should be focusing on you and your almost to be husband" I say as I got back to my makeup.
"Oh please, you and Lando are much more interesting to talk about. Since I can see you through the mirror, we're gonna play a small game."
"What game?" Is it some stupid truth or lie game?"
"Yes. Now hush, and be honest with me okay?"

I nod and applied blush.

"How many times have you made out, but stopped because you were scared?"

I was silent. I stopped what I was doing and put the brush down. I looked over and smiled. I put up three fingers. She gasped and smiled. The lady comes back in the room, but with another girl. They both did our hair. As they were doing our hair, we talked and talked about other things. I wanted to stop talking about Lando and I. It was getting awkward and the questions she kept asking were outrageous. I tell my aunt almost everything, so lying to her wasn't my beat choice. She knows when I lie.

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