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Lando :

It's the morning of race day. When I woke up, Charlotte was gone. I got my phone from the charger, put it in my pocket and went to her bathroom. I fixed my hair and went to the kitchen. Charlotte was washing dishes from last night. I went behind her and hugged her by the waist. I buried my face in her neck.

"Why are you up so early.." I say in my sleepy voice.
"Lan, it's 09:00" she says as she giggles.
"Can we please lay down for a little bit" I say as I rock her back and forth.
"Alright fine."

I got off her and sprinted to her room. I jumped on the bed, waiting for her to lie down. She comes in and sits on the bed. I lay on her stomach. I eventually fall back asleep.

"Lan.. you have to wake up" Charlotte says.
"Come on, it's the Monaco Grand Prix we cannot miss it, you cannot miss it" she says as she runs her fingers through my hair.

I got up and pulled Charlotte up. We walked to the front door.

"Today, Lan, we cannot be seen with each other alright? Not until the party" She says as she gives me my bag.
"You're crazy if you think I can't stand at least 5 feet away from you" I say.
"Lan just try for me? We still need to discuss about our situationship and everything. The f1 gossip page will find out and then our friends will and our fa-" she says.

I cut her off.

"Im only joking darling. We can talk about it after the race yeah?"
"That sounds good. Your house? You've been over my hotel so many times."
"Yeahh, that's because they have the best beds ever. I'm jealous."
"Well don't get use to it, i'm only here for one more day."

She opens the door.

"One more hug before I leave? Please? It would give me good luck" I say.

She rolls her eyes and smiles, giving me a big hug. I leave and she closes the door behind me. I walked into the elevator.

I pulled out my phone and tweeted on my private account 'We might of kissed... made out last night.' Literally everyone started tweeting after.

Oscar : My two best friends are in sync
---- What does that suppose to mean?
Carlos : WHAT.
Kika : I'll say this twice .. I KNEW IT
Charles : UPDATE US ?

Charlotte :

I tweeted 'We made out last night..' and everyone I can feel everyone yelling at me.

---- Alex Saint-Mleux : ME TOO
----- Oscar : Me three !
---- No Oscar haha, Lando will tell you probably.
Charles : WHAT.

As I was reading the comments, I heard a knock at the door, two girls yelling. It was Kika and Alex. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. They brought lunch and candy and everything. They went straight to my room and jumped on my bed. I closed the door and followed them in.

"Guys come on I just made my bed" I say.
"I don't care, we need updates, details, everything" Kika says.
"Can I at least change while I explain?"

They both nod and I headed to the closet. I picked out a blue and white skirt with a white top that reached around my neck, and opened in the back. I changed into it and put on white socks.

"I mean I didn't know what to do, the tension was hot and I just couldn't resist" I say from the closet.
"Well you know we approve right? Lando is such a good guy" Kika says from my bed.

Love at first sight  {LANDO NORRIS X READER}Where stories live. Discover now