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Charlotte :

Oscar and Pierre went to go put their race suits on for the pictures. Behind many cameras, I can see all the other drivers. I didn't want to introduce myself just yet. I waited for Oscar and Pierre to be done so I can walk out with them. I wanted to surprise Daniel, so I asked Oscar to record me walking up to him. I gave him my phone and asked him to start recording. Pierre walks out first. Everyone greets him and I can hear Daniel's voice louder than usual.

"Okay, Daniel I have a little surprise for you, something you've been wanting for a lifetime" Pierre says as he signals his hand out to me to come out from behind the cameras.

I walk out and smile at him.

"There's no way..." he says.

He opens his arms, waiting for me to hug him. I ran up to him and jumped onto him, wrapping my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist. He spins me around and he laughs. I can tell he was getting emotional. I forgot all about Oscar recording, and everyone around, watching and clapping for us reuniting. I missed these moments with him so much. We stopped spinning and we both let go. As we both face each other I can see a tear went down his face. I wiped his tear, and smiled at him.

"Charlotte you have no idea how much I missed you" he says as he hugs me again.
"I missed you so much more Danny" I say hugging him back.

Oscar then stops recording and puts my phone near my camera. Daniel then introduces me to many of the drivers.

"It's such a pleasure to finally meet you Charlotte" Carlos says as he shakes my hand.
"Charlotte, we've met before haven't we? I can never forget a face like yours" Max says as he hugs me.
"Haha, yes Max we have, it's good to see you again" I say hugging him back.
"I'm Charles, it's great meeting you."
"You too!" I say.

Daniel then walks me over to some other drivers. I can hear what Charles said as I walked away. He doesn't know I know French.

"Elle est tellement belle... (She is so beautiful)" he says.
I turned around and looked at him.
"Merci, Charles. Tu es un très beau gars (Thank you, Charles. You're a very good looking guy)" I say as I smile.

He looked completely shocked that I spoke French. His face turns red as he looked down. Carlos looked very confused. I faced the other drivers, and spoke to them. Daniel then took me to the last driver who was with Oscar.

"Hey Oscar" I say.
"Hey Charlotte!"
"Charlotte this is Lando, Lando Norris" he says as he looks at Lando.
"It's nice to meet you Lando" I say as I put my hand out.

He doesn't say anything and walks right through me and Daniel.

"Oh um, is he alright?" I say to Oscar and Daniel.
"He was fine this morning, I don't know what's wrong" Daniel says.
"I mean, he did say stuff about her.." Oscar says.
I quickly turned my head to him.
"What. Things. Oscar." I say coldly.
"Woah alright Charlotte, don't get mad at him, I know you don't like when people talk about you, and I get that we all hate it but i'm such it's not bad things, right Oscar?" He says as he looks at me, then Oscar.
I look at Oscar.
"Yeah, yeah of course, not bad things at all. I'm gonna go talk to him, see what his problem is" he says as he walks away.

Lando :

Today was Media day. I was happy to be back with the crew. I arrived at the place at 10:28, a few minutes before we needed to shoot photos. I saw Daniel and Max, so I talked with them. Everyone was here except for Oscar and Pierre. I decided to text Oscar because he was late, and he never runs late to any occasion. I got no reply from him, until I see Pierre walk out. He said hello to everyone and made an announcement. He faced Daniel and told Daniel to come out a bit forward. Pierre signals his hand from where the cameras were, and then.. the mysterious girl appears. She was looking so pretty. She was wearing a navy blue sweater, with light grey leggings. She had her hair up half way, with a clip in her hair. She looked stunning. She even looks more beautiful in person than instagram. I had to show to I didn't like her, so we all watched her. Daniel opens his arms, and she comes running up to him, jumping on him and hugging him. We all clapped as they spun each other around. They were happy to be back in each other's presence. We all saw Daniel cry, and we never see him cry. It's a rare seeing. She wiped his tear off and hugged him. It kinda made me jealous. I turned around and walked to Oscar to talk about a few things.

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