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Charlotte :

I haven't eaten much in the past three days. I couldn't. My wrist was throbbing. The scene replays in my head over and over, especially with the words I said to Lando.. I didn't hear his side of the story so I can't forgive him just yet. But he didn't know about Magui and I being friends. I honestly didn't know they were in touch. I trusted Lando with everything I had.

Daniel likes to check up on me every few hours throughout the day. He's honestly been such a sweetheart to me. He tries his best to cheer me up and try to get me to eat. He feels my pain.

I know he doesn't know what to do, but he still puts in effort to make me feel something again.

As I was lying on Daniel's bed, I reread Lando and I's messages. They were the sweetest thing and it kept me happy. Looking back at them now changes things. I cry almost every time. 'I don't know how I'm going to survive this' I thought to myself.

Daniel walks in and places a grilled cheese for me. He knows I absolutely love anything with cheese. He sits on the side of my leg and takes my phone. I look at him with tears and shock. He looked down at my phone and sighed.

"Charlotte, you won't get better if you keep reading these.." he says as he gives my phone back.

As he does, he noticed the bruising. He quickly grabs my arm gently, making me sit up next to him.

"Charlotte why didn't you tell me about this? This is so bad we need to get you to an ER quick" he says as he stands up.

I was still sitting on the bed. I laid back down and covered my face with some sheets.

"Charlotte get up."

I didn't listen. I didn't want to go. I didn't even want to leave this room.

"Charlotte I will carry you to my car if you don't get up right now."

Still no response. He had his serious tone on, so I knew he wasn't playing around. He pulls the sheets off and carries me like we just got married. His warm body was making me fall asleep. I barely get sleep at night. I overthink everything.

He looks down at me, seeing my eyes close.

"You're lucky I love you Charlotte. I hate seeing you upset" he says as he opens the car door.

He places me in the passenger seat and buckles me in. He closes the door and walks to the other side of the car. He gets in and backs out of the driveway. I rest my head on the window and take a little nap. The hospital was far from where Daniel lived. He drove a little bit fast. I can feel myself turning and tossing around every turn we made.

We arrive at the hospital momentarily. He still carries me. As we got to the ER, we waited for the doctor to show up. Daniel is the only one who made me feel like I can get better. I know Kika and Pierre try, but Daniel has his ways.

The doctor comes in. He asks me questions but I don't talk. Daniel talks for me. The doctor gets concerned. Daniel tells the doctor about my wrist. He asks for my wrist and I let him grab it. He wanted to do an immediate x-ray scan. Danny had to wait in the room.

As we get to the screening, I then step behind. The doctor does his thing and moves towards his computer.

"My dear, come here" he says.

I move towards him, looking at the x-rays.

"This is your left wrist. There's nothing wrong with it obviously, but look at your right wrist. That's not normal. This is a Grade 3 Sprained wrist dear.." he says as he looks at me and back at the computer.

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