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Thursday, Media Day ~ Oscar :

Avocado toast with egg white and tomato. That's my favorite breakfast ever. I felt the warm air and the breeze of the wind on the balcony. Yesterday, Alex and I went to Pierre snd Kika's house to meet Charlotte. Charles and Carlos was supposed to come too, but they got distracted by Ferrari and couldn't make it in time. I watched the ocean as I eat my breakfast in peace. Suddenly, Pierre opens my front door and yells my name. He has a spare key. Us drivers made a copy of everyone's house or apartment key so we can just barge in at anytime. Pierre, Alex, Lando, and Logan always come in, like they been invited. He sees me through the glass door and walks outside. He stands next to me.
"Ooh Avocado toast, let me get a small piece" Pierre says with his hand out.
"Dude, you came all this way, a 36 minute drive just to ask for breakfast" I say ripping him a piece.
"No haha, im joking with you. I came because Charlotte isn't answering her phone and we have media in an hour. I was asking if you can come with us to her hotel room and help us wake her up. She always sleeps in" Pierre says, having food in his mouth.
"Yeah sure, let me change into my McLaren shirt and pants real quick."
"Better hurry buddy" Pierre says yelling as I run to my room.

Pierre and I have been really good friends since I joined F1. He was my first friend, even before my own teammate Lando. Pierre is a very funny guy, but Charles usually gets into our conversations, not on purpose, and speaks French to Pierre. They both know I don't understand it.

I walk out of my room, looking for my McLaren hoodie and hat. Pierre is waiting for me by the door. He's holding my hat, but I tell him I need my hoodie. I searched every room, until Pierre came into the living room, wearing my hoodie.
"So you think orange looks great on me?" He says as he's laughing and grinning.
"Dude c'mon now you're wasting time, and you look ugly in orange" I say laughing.
We both laugh out of my house and went into his car. He put on some music and drove to her hotel.

"So how do you think about Charlotte?" Pierre says smiling as he drives.
"She's great. She's a very nice woman Pierre, I never knew you and Kika were friends with her. I could have met her sooner" I say looking out the window.
"Well you know me and Kika, we love to keep secrets from everyone. She's not just friends with me and Kika, she's really good friends with Daniel too. Charlotte has been dreaming of seeing him again. It's been 7 years since they saw each other, and she finally gets to relive her life."
"So who knows who longer?"
"Kika knew Charlotte longer than me and Daniel. When Kika and I started dating, she introduced me to her and we became friends. She actually hated me at first believe it or not."
"How come?" I say laughing.
"Well you know girls, when their best friend gets a guy, they absolutely hate them until you prove that you won't break her heart. And that's exactly what I did. We've been together for many years."
"That is true. Speaking of hating, Lando texted me the other day, and he supposedly said he 'was not stalking' charlotte's instagram, but he clearly was. He said she gives off bad vibes, and he doesn't want her working with us."
"Lando can be such a bitch sometimes, I truly don't understand how your best friends with him."
"I mean your friends with him.."
"That's different Osc. He needs to grow up, you know he needs to mature and get out of this stage he's in" He says as he turns up the music.
We rolled down the windows to let some air in the car. A few minutes later we arrive at her hotel.
"So she's spending the weekend.."
"Week" Pierre says, correcting me.
"Spending the week, at the most expensive hotel there is, and no one said anything about it. I'm jealous" I say as I crossed my arms.
"CEO bought everything for her. He wanted everything to work out of her and so that she can eventually keep this job offer for the rest of the season."

We walk to the receptionist. She smiles at us and tells us to go right ahead to the elevator. We press the top floor and make our way up. Kika gave Pierre the spare keys to her room so that we can just walk in. We arrive at her room and knock on her door. She doesn't answer. Pierre knocked once more.
"Charlotte if you don't open the door I'm coming in" he says yelling.
We can both hear her mumbling, but it's hard to understand. He unlocks her room and we walk inside. We closed the door and went straight to her bedroom. She wakes up from us walking in, yelling at her to get up.
"Charloooootttttteeeeee" Pierre says as he smiles.
"Wakey wakeyyyy, media is in 30 minutesss" Pierre says again as he jumps on the bed.
I jump on the bed too. We both shake Charlotte up and she eventually hits us.
"Gooo ... aw-awayy" she says in her sleepy voice.
She realized it was me and Pierre and jumps up. Her hair wasn't messed up when she rised. She was wearing a silk pink tank top.
"How did you guys get in? What are you doing here? Get out now" she says as she panicked.
"Détends-toi Charlotte, Kika m'a donné le double des clés (Relax Charlotte, Kika gave me the spare keys)" He says as we both get up from her bed.

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