Act 19: A Light in the Dark

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The bitter cold of Fuyukawa had settled into the bones of the town, its once lively streets now a battlefield. Snowflakes swirled through the air, creating a stark contrast against the dark, looming figures of the demons. Shirayuki, Ayuna, and Kage stood their ground, their breaths visible in the frigid air as they faced Doma and Moku.

Doma stood with a cold smile playing on his lips. He held a pair of war fans, which glinted ominously in the dim light. "We have such interesting opponents," he said, his voice carrying an eerie calm.

Beside him, Moku twirled her large brush, its bristles dripping with a dark, inky substance. "Let's paint the town red, shall we?" she giggled, her amber eyes gleaming with sadistic glee.

The battle resumed with a flurry of movement. Doma's fans flicked open, and he swung them with a deft precision. He unleashed a wave of icy shards that flew towards the slayers with deadly intent. At the same time, Moku dipped her brush into the ground, creating ink tendrils that snaked and lashed out unpredictably.

Ayuna's swords flashed as she parried an ice shard, her muscles straining against the force of Doma's attack. "We need to split them up!" she shouted, her voice barely audible over the cacophony of battle.

Kage nodded, his blades spinning to deflect a barrage of ink tendrils. "Easier said than done," he muttered, his eyes narrowing in concentration. Then, taking a deep breath, he rushed forward. Seeing this, Moku grinned before launching more ink tendrils at him.

"Shadow Breathing Third Form:..." trailed off Kage as he weaved and slashed around the tendrils. "Nightfall Dash," he said, closing on Moku, who kept smiling. "Impressive, you manage to come this close," she said, raising her brush before humming when she saw movement on her right.

"Ice Breathing Third Form: Boreal Avalanche," said Shirayuki, swinging her sword before dropping it in her other hand to cut the tendrils. Her movements were fluid as she closed on Moku, lighting the demon's eyes up. "How nice of you to come to me, little Kazemaru," she said.

Unfortunately for Kage and Shirayuki, Moku was already prepared, and with a quick swipe of her brush, she created thick ink to stop them. Worst, Doma, who was fending off Ayuna, caught sight of it and smiled. "Blood Demon Art: Frozen Lotus," he said, swinging his fan.

When he did, razor-sharp ice shards launched toward the two, with ice lotuses around them. The two managed to dodge them, but Doma was done. His ice attacks were relentless, forcing them to stay constantly on the move. "Let's see how long you can keep up," he taunted, his voice filled with a cold amusement.

Seeing their situation, Ayuna gritted her teeth and took a deep breath. "Blood Breathing Two Sword Style Third Form:..." she paused before rushing at Doma. Seeing this, the demon's focus shifted to her as his eyes glinted. "Blood Demon Art: Barren Hanging Garden," he said, swinging his fan.

As Doma swung a series of ice shards left his fan, aiming to slice Ayuna apart. However, she wasn't going to back down and kept pushing. "X-ray Shredder!" she shouted, meeting his attack.

Thankfully, this allowed Kage and Shirayuki to retreat before Ayuna regrouped with them. "This isn't good," mumbled Kage, looking at Shirayuki and Ayuna, seeing injuries on them before looking at his own.

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