Act 7: Flames of Kasai-ji Temple

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"We're here," said Ayuna, her voice tinged with impatience, as they arrived at the foot of the grand staircase leading to the temple. She glanced back at Shirayuki, expecting her to follow, but noticed she hadn't moved.

Ayuna sighed, her annoyance evident, and turned to face her partner. "What are you doing? We don't have time to wait around," she groaned as Shirayuki tilted her head slightly, her blind eyes focused on something within the temple.

"There is a sound, like a scratching noise coming from inside," she murmured, making Ayuna furrow her brows, puzzled by Shirayuki's statement. "What the hell are you talking about? I don't hear any..." she retorted before her words trailed off as she listened more intently.

Finally, a severe expression replaced her confusion. "What is it?" wondered Shirayuki after Ayuna went silent. "...somebody just died," she revealed. Curiosity piqued, Shirayuki waited for Ayuna to elaborate. "Just now, there was a scent in the intoxicating aroma of fresh blood," Ayuna explained, her voice filled with concern and determination.

Shirayuki's face remained impassive as she absorbed the information. "Blood? How can you smell it from here?" she questioned, her senses attuned to the temple. Then, Shirayuki closed her eyes and focused on the temple. "It's not time to meditate," said Ayuna before shaking her head.

"Whatever, I'm going to deal with them by myself then," she said as she started walking forward. "Ten..." suddenly said Shirayuki, making Ayuna stop walking. "There are ten people inside the temple," she revealed.

Opening her eyes, she turned to face Ayuna. "The strongest heat signature comes from the highest part of the temple," she added, surprising Ayuna. "I guess you aren't all talk after all," she admitted, a slight smirk tugging at the corner of her lips as they walked inside.


Upon entering the temple, they were greeted by a trembling man, his anxiety palpable in the air. Ayuna observed him, noting the fear that lingered in his eyes. Shirayuki tilted her head, sensing his unease. "Hello, sir. You sound tired. Perhaps you should ask for assistance so you can get some rest," she suggested, her voice gentle and compassionate.

Ayuna glanced at Shirayuki, perplexed by her concern for a stranger, as the man nodded weakly, a pained expression crossing his face. "Thank you, but we're short-staffed at the moment...only six of us handling everything," he explained, his voice laced with weariness.

Shirayuki's expression softened, understanding the strain he must be under. "I see. I hope you receive the help you need soon. If there's anything we can do, please don't hesitate to let us know," replied Shirayuki, earning a nod of gratitude from the man before he excused himself and left the room.

As the door closed behind him, Ayuna turned to Shirayuki, her curiosity piqued. "What was that all about?" she inquired. Shirayuki smiled softly. "Now I know that four demons are hidden in the temple," she revealed, calm and assured.

Ayuna's eyes widened in surprise at the revelation. "I told you there were ten people inside, and the man just said there were six residents," she reminded Ayuna.

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