Act 20: Echoes of Winter

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"Light Breathing First Form: Shining Sun Strike!" Akira's voice rang out as his fists collided with the ice and ink clones, shattering them instantly. "Is that all you can do?" he asked, his golden eyes and grin showing his confidence.

Without waiting for a response, Akira lunged into the fray. Observing Akira's movements, Doma flicked his fans, sending a barrage of ice shards towards him. "Blood Demon Art: Frozen Lotus," he called out.

But before they could reach Akira, Kage swung his swords. "Shadow Breathing Fifth Form: Dusk Reversal!" he called out, his blades deflecting Doma's ice shards as his body twisted mid-air. His intervention created an opening for Akira, who rushed to Doma.


As Akira closed on the upper moon, ink tendrils soared toward him. "No, you don't!" roared Ayuna, taking a deep breath. "Blood Breathing Three Sword Style First Form: Razor Grisly!" she shouted, spinning her swords. The blood on her blades seemed to harden, extending her reach and cutting through multiple tendrils at once.

Some still managed to pass her, but Shirayuki moved fluidly and had them covered. "Ice Breathing Sixth Form: Chilling Haze Dance," she called, dashing around the battlefield. Then, she and Akira dashed at the two demons, planning to use their speed to deal the final blow.

Watching them approach, Moku's amber eyes narrowed as she twirled her brush. "These little slayers are more troublesome than I thought," she murmured, her voice laced with a hint of frustration. Doma's smile remained, but his gaze had a newfound focus. "Indeed," he replied, his tone still carrying a mocking edge.

With multiple flicks of his fans, Doma sent a barrage of ice spikes towards the slayers. "Blood Demon Art: Barren Hanging Garden," he said as multiple arrays of razor-sharp shards launched toward the two, forcing them away.

However, Doma wasn't done, and with a shared look with Moku, the two smiled. "Blood Demon Art: Lotus Vines," he said, creating multiple lotuses before they extended in vines, launching toward the slayers. On her side, Moku brush strokes created various ink patterns that also came to life before they launched toward them.

Despite their best efforts, the slayers found themselves pushed back. Moku's ink creations were relentless, and Doma's ice attacks were precise and deadly. It was clear that the demons were no longer toying with them.

Watching as they slowly regained the upper hand, Doma looked at Moku. "Time to turn up the heat," Doma said, his smile widening. "Or should I say, the cold?" he added, making Moku's eyes glint dangerously as her grin widened. "I had been waiting for this," she said as her brush leaked ink.

With a swift motion, Moku brush moved in a wide arc, creating a massive ink sphere that expanded rapidly. "Blood Demon Art: Inking World!" she shouted, trapping the four slayers inside. Following this, Doma created a large wave of cold wind. "Blood Demon Art: Freezing Clouds," he said, using his fans to scatter it.

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