Chapter Twenty Seven

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"What are you doing here?" Maria hissed at the other Fallen angel, who was spinning her around smoothly.

"I came to see you." Castizel said innocently, a small smile on his face.

"Well, I did not wish to see you!" Maria turned her head to look towards Sebastian in a plea for help but Cas gripped her chin in his hand and forced her gaze back to him.

"You will look at me only." He said in a low, dangerous tone. He meant business. "It is about time you start separating yourself from that lowly demon and his filthy food. You are better than them."

Anger collided with her small, undeniable attraction towards Cas. "I see Sebastian, Ciel, and I as equals, nothing will change that." Sure, Ciel wasn't a supernatural creature, but she still looked at him with great respect.

Castizel rolled his eyes. "Please, love, I know you do not mean that."

"But I do."

"Whatever." The Fallen King blew off her comment completely, his eyes traveling across the room to where Sebastian and Ciel were probably standing. They narrowed slightly as he located them, and Maria took the chance to glance that way too. Her desperate eyes met Sebastian's for a millisecond before Castizel spun her more viciously than the dance required.

"What is with you today?" She whispered angrily. They still couldn't draw attention to themselves in the crowd of people.


It was obvious he was either angry or worried about something. He was very... stressed. Or anxious.

"How about you give me the real answer now that the fake one was said."

Cas looked down at her, meeting her eyes with a determined gaze.

"I'm taking you with me, tonight. Right now."

Maria's jaw dropped. Castizel had threatened to take her so many times but had never followed through with it. She had eventually come to think he was just joking.

But she kicked herself internally, because she knew Castizel wasn't one to give up. She had let herself think she was safe.

Castizel's gaze went unfocused for a second, and Maria knew from her own experience that he was mentally communicating with someone.

And it wasn't her.

Her head whipped towards the door as she suddenly sensed three more Fallen presences approaching quickly. They must be flying. She managed to spare a panicked glance over at Sebastian, but the demon was glaring at Castizel. He wouldn't be able to sense the Fallen until it was too late.

As if on cue - which it sort of actually was -the doors burst open and the three men stepped in boldly, wearing all black and holding some pretty powerful-looking guns - not to mention the guns of their arms. It seemed that all the Fallen were more attractive, but then again it could be a supernatural thing - proof being Sebastian.

Focus, Maria! She mentally scolded herself as the human guests noticed the commotion and started to scream. The middle man of the three raised his gun to the air and fired off a few shots.

Chaos ensued.

As people ran for other exits, trampling those that fell, Castizel seized Maria's arm with an iron grip and started dragging her towards the three men, who were still firing off shots.

As she struggled to escape with no avail, the female Fallen looked desperately for the familiar black hair of the demon. She looked even though she knew Sebastian would put Ciel first and get him to safety. She was alone on this one.

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