chapter 3

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"He's going looking for the dragon," Ludic mentioned, concerned about Hiccup's impulsive nature.

"Oh, I know, but I do not intend on telling his father," Gobber replied mischievously, a hint of amusement in his voice, which Ludic mirrored with a smile.

"Yeah, same," Ludic agreed quietly, understanding the bond between father and son, even amidst their differences.

"Come back to the forge. I keep burn balm around for Hiccup. It'll be fine to put on your burns," Gobber suggested as they turned to head back.

Ludic nodded in gratitude, following Gobber back to the forge. Once there, as Gobber handed Ludic the burn balm, he couldn't help but delve into a more personal topic.

"I know you don't like killing the dragons, and you're only doing it because you have to," Gobber began, his voice sincere as he sat down next to Ludic.

Ludic sighed softly, his eyes distant for a moment. "My mum and dad were killed by dragons. It would be weird if the boy who has had everything ripped away by dragons didn't want to kill them," he admitted quietly, his voice carrying the weight of painful memories.

Gobber nodded in understanding; his expression sympathetic. "Why don't you tell someone? I'm sure Hiccup will listen," Gobber suggested gently, concern evident in his voice.

Ludic hesitated, shaking his head slightly. "No, not Hiccup," he replied softly, focusing on rubbing the burn balm into his arms and chest to distract himself from the emotions welling up inside.

"I should get some sleep," Ludic said after a moment, changing the subject to something more immediate.

"Remember, we have a village meeting to attend in a few hours," Gober reminded him, their conversation tapering off into silence as they prepared to rest before the challenges that awaited them in the morning.

As Ludic made his way to his family home, his steps heavy with exhaustion, he climbed the familiar steps and entered the small, modest dwelling. It was a place filled with memories, both joyous and painful, but tonight all he sought was solace and respite from the day's trials. The fire crackled softly in the hearth, casting dancing shadows on the walls as Ludic shed his Armor and donned one of his father's old black shirts. The fabric was worn and comforting, a tangible connection to the man who had raised him in this rugged village.

Lying down in his bed, Ludic let out a sigh of relief. "I'm so exhausted," he murmured to himself, the weariness of the day settling deep into his bones. His eyelids grew heavy as he closed his eyes, seeking refuge in the realm of dreams.

Almost instantly, his mind drifted to the image that had been haunting his thoughts for days now – the dragon from the ancient tome he had stumbled upon in the village library. It was a magnificent creature, its scales a shimmering blend of white and blue, gleaming like ice under the moonlight. Ludic had pored over the pages of the Dragon Book, learning about its kind and its abilities. This dragon, a member of the Strike Class, had captivated him like no other.

Frostbite, he had named it in his mind, drawn to the creature's beauty and grace. In his dreams, Ludic saw Frostbite soaring through the skies, effortlessly gliding on unseen currents of wind, its wings spanning wide like sails catching the breeze. The dragon's eyes held a wisdom beyond human understanding, and Ludic felt a strange kinship with this mythical beast.

It wasn't the first time Ludic had dreamt of Frostbite. In these quiet moments before sleep claimed him, he often found himself wandering through the dragon's world, imagining what it would be like to ride alongside such a majestic creature. The dreams offered him an escape, a brief respite from the harsh realities of life on Berk, where dragons were both feared and hunted.

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