Chapter 13: Finally training

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Headcanon: Kaito and Kokichi as siblings because of some physical similarities (purple hair that defies gravity and purple eyes)

Shuichi's POV (3rd person):

It's been around a month since Shuichi was injured, Yomi was expulsed from the school permanently for bullying and his friends were only expulsed temporarly. And now Shuichi finally recovered. As soon as Kokichi noticed that, the boy invited the taller one over to his house.

So Shuichi arrived, knocking at the door and waiting.

And there he saw... purple hair defying gravity poking through the door but-

Wait, it's not Kokichi.

Before Shuichi could think of something, a loud voice was heard and his own hair was ruffled quite forcefully as a greeting.

"Hey man! My bro talked a lot about you, come in! Come in!" The tall strong-looking stranger that seems to be Kokichi's brother gestured Shuichi to follow him inside, and that's what Shuichi did.

As soon as Shuichi walked in, he heard loud, quick footsteps come closer before seeing the familiar short boy Shuichi learned to love.

"Koki!" Shuichi said happily at the sight of Kokichi running towards him. Shuichi opened up his arms to greet Kokichi into an embrace.

Kokichi ran into Shuichi's embrace and hugged him tightly. "Shumai!"

"I'm so glad you actually came!" Kokichi says happily as they both pulled away. "oh I almost forgot, Shuichi, this is my brother, Kaito." Kokichi presented, gesturing at the taller purple haired boy, seems like it was biological to have hair that defies gravity. Or maybe it's just the family's unique sense of style.

"Nice to meet you Kaito, my name is Shu-" Shuichi soon got cut off by Kaito's loud voice. "Shuichi , I know that already man! My bro keeps talking about how great of a guy you are, so maybe I already know you without even spending that much time with you already." Kaito joked, playfully elbowing Kokichi and patting Shuichi's shoulder.

"You're here to be stronger, eh? You've got the best guy for this type of situation! Kokichi, lead us to the training room please! I wanna get to know better the new homie." Kaito says, earning an amused nod from Kokichi as he leads Kaito and Shuichi to the training room.

"You have a training room? how so?" Shuichi asked curiously. "Well as you may already know, our sister is a full-time musician all over the world, and knowing how selfless she was, she couldn't help but share the money she gains with us. So that's why we recently moved out and have this room, we even have a pool in our backyard!" The athletic boy explains, beaming when he mentioned the pool. "We could even all three take a lil' dip in the pool after this training if ya want."

"Well I would love to but I didn't bring a swimsuit" Shuichi answers, rubbing the back of his head. "All good man! you can borrow one of the ones that used to be mine! We kept them for Kokichi in case he has a growth sprut since they're too big for him, but I'm sure one of them will fit you."

"Hey! I heard that!" Kokichi complained, making Kaito and Shuichi laugh.

Soon, all three of them reached the training room.

"Alright! let's start easy by doing some sit ups!" Kaito beamed, gesturing Shuichi to get into position, Kokichi quickly walked to Shuichi and sat on his feet. "Don't worry Shu, I'll be the one supporting your feet to the ground so that you don't cheat by lifting them up!" Kokichi says with a big smile, Shuichi actually didn't mind, he liked being close to Kokichi.

"Come on! You can start Shuichi!" Kaito says before looking at Kokichi. "Count how many sit ups he makes, I'm going back to the front door, I'm expecting someone too!"

Kokichi nodded at Kaito's words as Kaito left the room. Shuichi then started doing his best to do the most sit ups he could, Kokichi supporting him while doing it, saying words like: "Come on Shumai atleast 10!"

And that really supported Shuichi as it gave him more motivations.

After 10 sit ups, Kokichi and Shuichi only sat and chatted while waiting for Kaito to come back. And soon enough, Kaito did come back with an unexpected guest...

"Rantaro?" Shuichi called out curiously as he saw the green haired boy Shuichi met with Kokichi.

"Hey guys." Rantaro greeted.
"Yeah Kaito became friends with Rantaro in no time, that guy has more friends than he does push ups every day." Kokichi explains with a chuckle.

"Don't mind if I join the training." The chill green haired guy spoke again.

And soon, all four of them started training, Kokichi was helping Shuichi with some things knowing he wasn't used to train.

And after about an hour, everyone was laying on the floor exausted.

"Hey guys, how about we go to the pool now?" Kaito suggested, earning enthusiast cheers.

"Shuichi, catch!" Kaito called out, throwing a swimsuit about Shuichi's size. Shuichi, who was caught by surprise, recieved the swimsuit in his face. Earning a few giggles from the three others.

The emo boy shook his head slowly in exasperation while he took the swimsuit off of his face, looking at how it looked like.

It was a galaxy themed swimsuit. Well it's not bad but it wasn't quite the type of swimsuit he would wear. Whatever, it was either that or he doesn't swim, and he really wanted to swim.

The group of boys went to separate rooms to change into their swimsuits.

Soon, they all met up at the pool.

Kokichi was wearing a purple checkered swimsuit, Rantaro a green swimsuit with... weed drawings on it, and Kaito's was a black swimsuits with small spaceships everywhere.

All of them dipped on the water and separated in two, of course Shuichi was hanging out with Kokichi, both were unconciously blushing at the sight of the other bare chested. But of course they were too dense to see the other blushing aswell. Kaito and Rantaro did notice though.

All of them were having fun and that was all that mattered. Well to be precise, Kaito and Rantaro were splashing each other or pretended drowning each other while Kokichi and Shuichi were both too exausted from the trainig so they just hugged comfortably, snuggling against each other. Both were really clingy and it was obvious since day one that they would love hugging each other.

The group of boys sent several hours together until the evening. It was now time for Shuichi to leave. Rantaro wasn't leaving yet since he was having a sleepover with Kaito.

Shuichi dressed back up after drying up and gave the swimsuit back to Kaito before waving goodbye to the three boys and leaving the house.

It's been a good while since he didn't have that much fun and he hopes that it's not gonna be the last time.

(Word count: 1098)

A/N: This chapter was kinda a filler, but who doesn't like chill chapters like this, eh? ;)

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