✏️twenty three✏️

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Saturday. November 18, 2023.

Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook get to the park earlier than they were supposed to, getting the picnic set up. Jimin's mom had the classic red and white checkered blanket so that's what the decided to use. They spread the blanket out and sit on it, talking about stuff.

"You guys, please be on your best behaviors," Yoongi says after a while. "I don't want to scare them off." "We aren't going to scare them off, Gigi." Jimin says, lying back on his forearms. Jin sits up, stretching his back. "Yeah, who do you take us for?" He says, making Yoongi smile a little.

"At least I can count on you guys." He says, looking over at Jungkook and Namjoon. They both nod. "Someone is going to have to keep the conversation flowing. I'm physically incapable of doing so." Jin scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Have you met Jimin? All he does is yap." Jimin looks over at Jin with a curled up lip. "Says you."

Jimin and Jin go back and forth, bickering at each other. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook all shake their heads.

"Yoonie!" Yoongi hears his name being yelled and he looks back. Hoseok and Taehyung walk up to him. They both carry Tupperware of food. Hoseok wears a pair of baggy jeans and a big white oversized t-shirt. His hair, that usually hangs over his forehead is now parted in the middle.

Yoongi and his friends stand up as they see them. Hoseok reaches for Yoongi for a hug but Yoongi quickly stops him with a hand. "Not a hugger." Yoongi whispers. "Forgot. Sorry," Hoseok says, moving on quickly.

"Hi. I'm Jung Hoseok this is my best friend Kim Taehyung." "The Kim Line is here everybody." Namjoon says with a smile.

"I'm Kim Namjoon," Namjoon raises his hand to wave.

"Kim Seokjin. That is the famous Min Yoongi," Seokjin says, introducing his friend. Yoongi smiles a little.

"Park Jimin," Jimin bows politely.

"Jeon Jungkook." He salutes with two fingers.

"It's nice to meet you all. Yoongi talks a lot about you guys." Hoseok says and Yoongi nods, uncomfortably. "Please," He muttered. "Shall we?" Jin says, pointing to the food. Everyone sits down in a circle and begins to talk and eat.


Taehyung gets along well with everyone. Him and Namjoon have a cute bond already. Seokjin, who has no filter, teases Taehyung about the stories he is telling. Taehyung thinks it's the funniest thing ever. Taehyung and Yoongi share glances at each other when something is said, but brushed right past. They laugh at each other.

Jimin and Taehyung seem to hit it off immediately, creating a best friend bond instantly. Taehyung and Jungkook also tease each other a lot but they have fun with it and get creative.

Hoseok gets along with everyone as well. Making everyone laugh and telling jokes. Him and Namjoon, already knowing each other a bit, talk amongst themselves a lot and look happy while doing it. Hoseok and Seokjin give of mother and father energy, looking after the rest of the boys.

Hoseok and Jimin are a silly pair together. Making jokes at the same time and dying laughing about the fact that they were thinking the same thing. Hoseok and Jungkook have seem to create a brotherly bond. Hoseok being the oldest brother to Jungkook. Hoseok actually agreed to helping Jungkook study for one of his classes.

The park was basically empty by 3pm. Dinner time was approaching for families and that gave the boys the park to themselves. Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin go to the playground to sit on the swings and horse around out there. Namjoon and Seokjin sit on the picnic blanket, still enjoying some food. Yoongi and Hoseok go to sit at a picnic table under a tree so Yoongi could smoke.

He lights a cigarette and blows it in the opposite direction of Hoseok. "Are enjoy yourself?" Yoongi asked and Hoseok nods. "Yeah, you guys are pretty fun." He smiles, finishing his sentence. Yoongi nods, getting on the table to sit, resting his feet on the seat. "Good." He says, blowing smoke out. Hoseok sits next to him on the seat.

"Sorry about trying to hug you. I'm just a hugger and I forgot." Yoongi shakes his head. "Don't be sorry. I'm sorry if I made it awkward. If you haven't noticed, I'm not the best in social situations." Hoseok laughs and shakes his head. "Nope, haven't noticed one bit." Yoongi smiles a little.

They sit there in silence, looking at the park. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook play on the swings. Jungkook and Jiming run around Taehyung as he swings. Jin and Namjoon look up the sky, talking and laughing with each other. There are clouds in the sky, surrounded by the bluest sky the season. The wind blows slightly, not enough to give a chill down the spine. The air was fresh and comfortable.

"We should go cloud watching with them." Yoongi says, making Hoseok look over at Jin and Namjoon. Hobi snickers, "Kind of gay, don't you think?" Yoongi laughs, putting his cigarette out in the ashtray. "Who are we to say?" He shrugs.

They walk over to the two boys, laying down next to each other. "I see a bear on all fours." Jin says point up. "That's a dog dipshit." Namjoon says, making Hobi laugh. "I see a mammoth." Yoongi says and Hoseok looks over at him. "Those don't exist. That's an elephant." Hoseok says. "An elephant is basically a naked mammoth." Jin says to them, that makes Yoongi and Hoseok giggle.

Shortly after, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook join them. Pointing at different clouds and saying what they see. "That looks like a flower." Hoseok says making everyone smile. "You would see a flower." Taehyung says. "A rainbow." Yoongi points. "You would see a rainbow." Jimin says, making everyone laugh. "Nice." Namjoon says with a laugh.

Taehyung's phone dings and he gets up to look at it. "Oh, my mom is here to pick us up." He says to Hoseok. Everyone stands up. "Aw, well this was nice. It was good to formally meet you guys. I had a lot of fun." Hoseok says with a smile. "Me too. We should definitely do it again." Taehyung says. Everyone nods their heads with smiles. They say their goodbyes while Hoseok walks up to Yoongi.

"Thank you. I really needed this." Hoseok says and Yoongi smiles with a nod. "I had a lot of fun." Yoongi says. "I will text you when I get home." Hoseok says and Yoongi nods. "See you guys later." Hoseok calls out to the other boys. They all wave bye.

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