August Roses

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The month of August flies by faster than I can grasp and before I know it- school starts next week.

All month I spent working as much as I could, seeing Owen twice a week and working through my problems and pushing my powers to get stronger. Running every morning with Jason and the guys, all of us cracking jokes and getting closer with each other.

Every Wednesday I spent with Max, and was there for a lot of the fights between her parents. They were brutal and in the end, Billy's dad ended up leaving them- to go off who knows where. Leaving them with a house they couldn't afford and the memories that haunt them with every creak in that house. I ended up helping them move into a trailer right across the street from Eddie's. There was many nights I stayed with them, helping them unpack, clean or just to spend some time with them. Susan thanked me multiple times on sticking around.

There was also nights I bought dinner for them, or cooked dinner for them.

Also many nights where I held Max as she cried herself to sleep. And sometimes I joined her.

I remember the day I helped them move. It was a hot, humid- no cloud in the sky kind of day. The sun was shinning and was relentless with it's rays.

Susan rented a truck to help with the move, even thought they didn't have much left after Neil left them. He even took their dinning room table, the plates and every picture frame in their house. Max managed to snag a few pictures before he took off with them. One photos she saved was one of all of them. Neil with his arm around Susan in her floral summer dress, Billy crouched down next to Max with an unamused look on his face, and Max- she looks so much younger- and happier. The playful smile- the one I never see anymore.

I offered to get Steve to help, or Eddie or even the cross country team to help them move- but they didn't want the help from them. I couldn't blame them for not wanting to bother people- but I think it was more of where they were moving too. Ashamed and broken, all over Susan's face.

Eddie walked over at one point, confused to see my car over here.

"Did you get lost on where I lived?" He popped his head in my car while I grabbed another half taped box. His eyes scanned the boxes, and the open front door. His forehead wrinkled, his eyebrows bushing together and him crossing his arms. "Why ar-." But he stopped midsentence when he saw Max come out the front door.

Eddie introduced himself to Susan and told her if she ever needs anything that he's just right across the street, with a smile on his face. He offered to help, but we told him that us ladies got it.

"See you later tonight?" He asks, brushing his arm against mine.

I glance over to Max, then to Susan. "I'm sorry but not tonight. I want to help them unpack and get settled in. Tomorrow?"

A kiss on the temple, a head nod and off he went. Swaggering back over to his house.

A week later- after one long shift at work where the kids just weren't listening and throwing fits. I glance up to the starless sky, "How did you do this?" I ask to no one, but to someone. When I got home, Eddie was waiting for me in the street with a grin on his face.

"What's got you grinning so much?" I ask as I climb into his van.

"Can I not be happy to see my girlfriend?" He continues grinning and starts his van. "Plus I have a small date night for us."

I look down, I'm still in my one piece with shorts on. My cherry red whistle swinging on my chest, my hair braided and laying on one shoulder. "Hopefully no where fancy."

"Me? Fancy? No." He laughs, and reaches over to grab my hand. "I've missed you."

A long sigh blows out of me, "I missed you too. I'm sorry I'm so busy."

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