Old Hollywood

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List of Music for Chapter:

In My Feelings - Lana Del Rey

Born To Die - Lana Del Rey

Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Rey

"You sure you want to go to this? I can make an excuse." Carden asks while he opens up his passenger door for me.

"I'm sure. C'mon it'll be fun." He shakes his head and closes the door. After he gets in the car and starts her up I ask if he can stop at the local gas station first. For some reason I'm craving nicotine, and I'm blaming Steve for sharing a pack with me that night we both got drunk.

Carden takes us by the gas station and doesn't blink when I go to buy a pack, but does when I try to pay for it. He goes to buy me a rose but I tell him not too- then explain that's the flower Eddie always used to apologize with. They leave a sour taste in my mouth now after finding out he cheated on me.

"I should've got you a birthday present." He says as we pull up to Jason's house, watching some people bring gift bags in. Those people including Nancy and Chrissy. It's nice to see them also getting close, our small friend group coming closer.

"You didn't have too. Tonight minus the bad part can be your gift to me." I smile, "So don't worry about it. Plus I got to ride in this."

He returns the smile, "If you need cheering up, just call me and I'll take you out for a spin."

"That requires me having your number." I snicker as I get out of the car and gently closing the door behind me.

He smirks, "You asking me for my number princess?"

I slap him on the shoulder, "Don't act all tough now after you sat on the ground and watched me bawl."

A dark chuckle leaves his lips, "I'll give it to you later."

"You're going to give her what later?" Someone questions as we walk into Jason's house.

"He's giving it to her later!" Another voice bounds across the room, setting off the game of telephone to add to the rumor mill.

I glance back at him, "Just had to phrase it like that didn't you?"

He pinches the bridge of his nose acting irritated, "Well, I didn't think that would happen."

There are kids in the living room just talking, then into his kitchen is Ryan playing poker with a bunch of nerds. "Don't take all his money guys." I walk over and pat the ginger kid who sits in my math class. "He's not the brightest, so go easy on him." The ginger kid and his friends laugh.

"Fuck off Brook." Ryan glares at me with a playful insult.

"Love you too Ryan." I turn around, hearing music come up from the basement. A nice guitar riff and the familiar sound hum of Queen- and Jason singing along to it.

I walk down the two flights of stairs and I'm pretty sure I some how feel into another house. He has a whole ass house under his house! The basement is completely open. A bar right by the stairs. Dear Lord the ceilings down here are so high he has another chandelier over the round dinning room table. There's a bunch of couches facing a massive tv to the left, a hallway directly on the other side of the stairs. Maybe there is bedrooms down here too?

To the right are French doors that are propped open, the music coming from that direction.

"Did you know his house was this big?" my mouth still wide open.

"Then you should see how big mine is." He nudges me towards the open doors.

"He's gonna show her how big his is later!" That same kid yells, running outside.

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