Chapter 21

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The two months seemed to go by very quickly. In those two months, their relationship blossomed like a beautiful garden in spring. Every day was filled with laughter, understanding, and shared moments that created a bond stronger than ever. They explored new places, shared dreams, and supported each other through thick and thin. It was a time of growth, love, and building a future together.

It seemed as if all their problems had somehow disappeared. Jungkook had even spent those two months really getting to know Jimin's mom. Luckily for him, that woman loved him to bits. He saw how carefree and happy Jimin was around Jungkook, and she couldn't stand against her son's happiness. The love they possessed for each other was almost unreal, and the great thing is... they fell more and more in love with each day that passed.


Jimin's mother shouted from her bedroom. Jimin, who was all dressed and seemed ready to go somewhere, wiggled his body in annoyance and dragged his feet to his mama's bedroom. He pushed the door open and looked at his mom.

"Yes, Eomma."

"Oh, you look good. Are you going somewhere?" Ms. Park asked, eyeing Jimin, who was dressed in a white cropped shirt and baggy black jeans.

"Yeah, I'm meeting Jungkook for lunch." The smaller said with a smile as he thought about his man.

"Hmm, Jungkook... h-how is he? Is he... okay?" Jimin's mother asked. She seemed awfully concerned, which made Jimin confused, but he brushed it off.

"He's... fine." Jimin said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh... my baby, I don't know what's going on, but these days, I keep having very bad dreams. About you and Jungkook."

Jimin remained shocked for a few seconds, looking at his mom, who was very worried, judging by the look on her face. The smaller slowly walked closer and sat on top of the bed, next to his mom.

"What... what do you mean, eomma?" Jimin asked. Ms. Park sighed heavily and shook her head.

"I also don't know my son, but I'm getting these really bad dreams, consecutively too. It's always you and Jungkook in a dark place, Jungkook is always crying for help in those dreams. And you are... never mind. I don't know how to explain this. But I'm sure it's nothing much to worry about. I'll just pray about it."

"Mom, you're really scaring me now." Jimin said.

His eyes wide with fear, heart pounding with confusion as he tried to make sense of the words his mother was saying. The uncertainty in the air was palpable, Jimin knew deep down that there was a logical explanation for those dreams, and it had everything to do with Jungkook and the life he lives. He just hoped that none of those dreams would come true.

"Don't be scared, my Minnie. I'm sure it's nothing. And... I know you love Jungkook dearly, but... just be careful." Ms. Park said, caressing Jimin's full cheek softly. The smaller just smiled, but it wasn't a genuine one. He was still very worried.

"I'll be careful, I promise." He said, nodding his head.

"And uhm... I know this is inappropriate for me to ask now that I know you're dating. But... are you and Jungkook using protection?" Jimin immediately gasped in shock after that question. Well, he knew how open his mama was, so he wasn't that shocked. But still... it's embarrassing to talk about these things with your mother.

"EOMMA!" Jimin exclaimed and looked away shyly.

"Sorry to ask baby, it's just that... in my dreams, I always see a b... aish, it's impossible, though. Go on and see your man. Make sure to call and tell me if you won't come back home."

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