Chapter 28

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The soft light filters through the curtains as my consciousness slowly returns. I stir awake and look at the ceiling. The pounding in my head can't be missed. It hurts. I close my eyes and sigh heavily as the events of the previous day flood back, a wave of emotions crashing over them. The weight of the traumatic events hangs heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the peaceful morning. If it was a normal day, this would have been such a beautiful morning. But nothing about this day was beautiful. With each passing moment, the memories of yesterday's turmoil become clearer, leaving a lingering sense of unease in the quiet room.

Unwilling to relive such trauma, I sigh and turn to the side, choosing to look at the door that led to the balcony. The cool breeze slowly blows the curtain, and I catch a glimpse of a tall figure sitting on the chair in the balcony. It's Jungkook, obviously. He must be unaware that I am up now. I got up from the bed and stood on my feet, my knees shaking a little, too weak to balance me. As weak as I was, I forced myself to walk towards the balcony where Jungkook was.

As I peek my head out of the sliding door, I notice that Jungkook has a bottle of whiskey in his hand. A cigar is lit and burning on the ashtray. He seems unaware of my presence for some time, and I just look at him. Yesterday I saw a side to him that I've never seen. A side that I never wish to see again. He killed so brutally while I was watching him. He never even cared what I would think about him after, well... of course, I don't blame him. He was only protecting me. I just, I never thought he meant it when he said he would kill for me.

"Isn't it too early to be drowning yourself in alcohol?" I asked, trying my best to sound okay, smiling so he wouldn't worry. I must have startled him because he quickly turned around. Now that he was facing me, I had a full view of what was actually happening. His eyes were red and puffy, and he was looking at the fetal scan.

My heart suddenly dropped to my knees, making me feel so weak. I released a shaky breath and looked away from him, struggling to breathe. The trauma of yesterday hit me like a train. The feeling of emptiness overtook me. I looked at Jungkook, and he put the scan on his pocket as if hiding it from me.

"Hey, my love. How are you feeling? Did you get enough rest?" Jungkook asked, stepping towards me and holding me in his arms. I looked so small and frail in front of his tall and buff body. I leaned in to his touch, and he caressed my arm.

"I'm... I'm fine. And... how are you feeling?" I asked back. He looked away from me, and his face showed he was clearly reliving some pain.

"I don't know, I don't know how I'm feeling." He sighed upon saying those words. I didn't know what more to say, so I just looked down, playing with the hem of the shirt I had on.

"Breakfast is ready, I was just waiting for you to wake up. Come, let's go and eat." He said, taking my hand into his and pulling me gently.

"No... I'm not hungry." I said.

"Baby, don't do this. You need to eat something, when last did you eat a full meal? I bet you haven't eaten since they day they took you." Jungkook said, concern audible in his voice.

"I'm fine, I don't have an appetite." I said, trying to give him a slight smile so he wouldn't worry as much.

"Jimin, your body is weak, and you..."

"Damnit, Jungkook, I said I'm fine." I said, not yelling at him. I tried to be as calm, but I'm sure it sounded really rude.

"Sorry, but I'm fine. I'll eat when I feel hungry." I told him. He must have seen that he couldn't convince me otherwise, and so he nodded at my words, though I could tell he wasn't happy.

"How is mom? Did you tell her that I was taken? Does she know?" I asked him, and he shook his head.

"No, I wanted to, but I couldn't bring myself to it. I knew it would kill her. So I just told her you're staying here for a few days. Surprisingly, she had no problem with it." He explained. I nodded again. For some reason, our conversation felt forced. It wasn't like every day and every morning when we're all lovey dovey. And I knew why. There was an elephant in the room that had to be addressed.

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