Two, are better than one.

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Tengen looked back. She's still alive even after i beheaded her. More importantly, who's that guy with her? His reflexes are unreal. Tengen was shocked. He had found the demon he had been looking for. Tengen readied, and charged the two. The guy looked back, and quickly deflected tengens attacks, while striking him. "Not bad. I was going in for the kill you know." The demon said. He turned around. "Good for you. Really."

Tengen looked at the demon, as he began to compliment him. "You've got some meat on your bones. I can't gain weight no matter what. And you're tall too. Over 6 feet, huh? I guess you must get tons of attention from the ladies, dont you?" The demon asked. "I envy you. Oh, how i envy you!" He went scratching himself with anger. "Would you mind just dropping dead, and in the most agonizing way at that? Like getting skinned alive, or having your belly slit open." The demon said with a smile.

"Brother wait, he wasn't the only one who was harassing me. Kill the ones who burned me too. Kill them!" Daki said, then complaining, as if being a demon was so hard. "I'll have to massacre everyone who laid a finger on her. You could say im a firm believer in vengeance. So I'll exact the same pain you inflicted on her. When you die, those words will ring through your skull. I'll show no mercy, because my name is Gytutaro!" He yelled, and threw the sickles he in hindsight his hands at Tengen.

The sickles burst through the roof, and took tanjiro by surprise. Tanjiro was trying to figure out the situation, as he heard people running to him. "Where are you, wormbelt?" Inosuke yelled. "Inosuke, Zenitsu." Tanjiro said. "Zenitsu, are you asleep?"n tanjiro asked looking at him. "You two go, and help Mr. Uzui. Hurry!" Tanjiro said. He then went to go put nezuko back in her box.

Tengen deflected the sickles, and was standing infront of the people who were still in he room. "Im so envious, I could die. You really are a good looking guy, aren't you?" Gyutaro said. "Protecting those humans, showing off like that? I envy you. In their eyes, your some kind of brave hero aren't you? I bet there affection and gratitude towards you, is immeasurable you know?" Gyutaro asked. "Well yeah. Im a flashy glamorous lady's man, so thats a no brainer. Not to brag, bit i have three wives to boot." Tengen said, feeding into Gyutaros envious antics.

"Am I going deaf, or did you just say that you have three wives? You've gotta be kidding me?" Gyutaro yelled, and scratched his face drawing blood. "That's unforgivable!" He yelled. He charged a blood demon art, and threw it at Tengen. He reached back into a pocket, and tossed out small balls and threw them on the ground, and they exploded. The force blew back Gyutaro, and made a whole to the first floor. "Go, Run! Quickly!" Tengen yelled to the people. The blood slashes floated in the air, twirling around. "Like id let you escape that easily. Bend for me, flying blood sickles." Gyutaro said, and made the flying blood blades move and go towards Tengen.

Tengen slashed at them, deflecting him. They moved like a liquid when they were hit, and rejoined and kept moving. Tengen backed up, and pulled out more small bombs. He listened carefully, and figured all of the people upstairs had fled. He tossed the balls up, and jumped up, cutting him into pieces, maximizing explosive power. The light from the explosion lit up the upstairs, and then the entire building shook with smoke exiting through wholes. "Wow, this might be harder than i thought. How flashy." Tengen said. A ball of the belts unraveled, and the two demons were inside.

Y/N and the group were getting closer to the district, and were now above the outlying areas. "There." Mr. Murmasa said. There was smoke from an explosion. People were in the streets running. Y/N noticed two girls giving out orders, and helping others. "Follow me if you're injured." Makio yelled out. "As for everyone else, Evacuate." Suma yelled. They both were carrying woman on their backs. Makio was turning, and lost her footing. Y/N appeared in front of her, and caught her. "W-what? A dragon?" Makio asked. "Wait, your with the corp, right?" Makio asked. Y/N nodded. "What the, is that a dragon?" Some people asked, and looked back. "Tengen, and the others are fighting the demon. Hinatsuru, is somewhere out there. We need to get these people out of here, theres some wounded, and they've been given some first aid." She said. Y/N back and roared for Akeno.

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