Entertainment District

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As the sky turned from a orange red, to a dark purple. The four, Uzui, tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitzu made their way to the entertainment district. By dark, they made it to the outside of the district. "We'll take these to the district."  Tengen said, with them getting on little buggies. "Theres a quite a bit of people." Tanjiro said. "Where you just saying all of that so he would stop nagging?" Tanjiro said looking at Tengen stubbornly. "What? Did he actually come?" Tengen asked. Tanjiro pointed to the sky, with Y/N up high, circling. His silhouette barely visible in the dark sky. "I banked on the hopes he'd get a call for a mission. I didnt think he'd actually come. Stupid animal." Tengen said. Tanjiro sighed.

Y/N looked down at the growing crowds. He probably didnt mean it. Jerk. Y/N looked ahead with more lights coming from the center of the district. Well.. i guess i can look from afar. But I'll probably go back to the mansion. The four began to move towards the innermost part of the district. Y/N slowly followed from above, staying high, but keeping his eyes on the gang.

"Listen you three. Try not to stand out. We're only here to case the joint. And whatever you do, dont get out of the carriage." Tengen said to the three boys. Both Zenitsu, and Inosuke were lured by the lights, and all new things they were seeing. Inosuke was thrown off by all of the new sights. Being completely overwhelmed. "Allow me to introduce you to the Yoshiwara entertainment district, awash if vanity and desire." Tengen said. "What kind of place is this?! Theres too many people to even count!" Inosuke yelled. Inosukes instincts were failing him here. "Make way chumps, im coming through!" He yelled and rushed into a crowd of people. "Hey, get back here moron." Tengen said, and quickly grabbed Inosuke. "Hey, where'd the annoying kid with the yellow hair go?" He asked. "What?" Tanjiro asked.

Y/N looked for Zenitsus hair, and coat in the similar colored light. There. Zenitsu was walking around, seeming to be a little confused on everything. "Well, aren't you an handsome one." He heard a lady's voice. He looked to some girls on a balcony. "Why don't you come and join us? If you're hungry we have candy." The girls said, giving smiles at him. Zenitsu looked up with a slight blush, but he covered his face and walked away. "Not so fast." Tengen said hitting him in the head. "You're too young  for that kind of stuff" Tengen said dragging Zenitsu by the hair.

Tengen told the three about the place, and the society of the district. "Okay, let's go." Tengen said, and took them to a wisteria family house. Y/N looked down, and sighed. Eh, it would've been great to join on the mission. But this is too much. This many people, and dragon will be on the minds of every citizen by next week. He turned, around and started to head back to the butterfly district. He flew back, looking around to the endless. He sighed.

Then a feeling washed over him, and a faint scent. He looked down, and sniffed again. Hmmm. He dove down. Little, and got closer. Staying further away from the lights. He smelt it again. Ah! I can't do any reconnaissance with out possibly making myself seen. Whatever. The hashira guy seems to have a plan. I know where this is, so I'll come back if i need too. A little while later, Y/N was getting outside the district. It felt kinda good to take it slow, and see the sights. But, he was still thinking about staying, and turning back.

He kept flying, heading back to the butterfly mansion. That scent. It was for sure him. Must've been here not to long ago. And judging from the other scent, it's probably an upper rank. Not as high as the one from the train. I'll keep an eye on things. I wanna do more. Y/n thought, and continued to the butterfly mansion.

"Your back. I guess it wasnt a good idea after all huh?" The three girls asked. Y/n nodded. "Well, maybe we can find something for you to do here. But tomorrow, we better get to bed." They said. They gave Y/N pets, and headed to their beds. Y/N walked to his bed. Everything will be okay. I hope. He fell asleep.

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