Leaving home.

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I woke up hanging from my favorite perch upside down. I uncovered myself of my wings and yawned with an echo. I got down off my perch and sat there for a minute trying to fully wake up. All alone in a massive hollowed out mountain, I made my way down to the feeding shore of the underground lake.

It has been 10 years alone. With very few visitors consisting of seagulls, a terrible terror now and then, and of course animals hiding from storms. It is winter now, and because of the heat from the earth the inside of the mountain stays fairly warm. I got to the feeding shore and looked at the water. Instead of what I normally do which is wait for something to come by, I just jumped in thinking that the water would feel good. I got in the water and poked my head out. Keeping my head abound the water I remembered the times when my Parents and best friend would swim with my in the water, how we would dive down and see how high we could jump out of the water.

I smiled inside remembering, then looked at my reflection in the water. I could see my eyes and tendrils, the little white stripe on the tip of my nose, which showed i was a descendent of king of old, toothless. Since he had mated with a light fury, his kids where a mixture of white and black, and one of them stayed here when they got old enough. And when mating season arrived he had there kids and they had some white on them. And over the years the less and less white was shown and now down to me. I am the last generation to show white. Anything after me and now white will show.

I hummed as a sigh and dove down. Swimming as deep as I can, with no plan of going up. This is it. The last ten years have been nothing but loneliness. I did nothing but eat, sleep, and try to make my situation better. I swan down as deep as I could. I could feel the pressure build up around me, and the air being used up in my body. I just wanted to be free, free from this hell.

I closed my eyes and felt my self suffocating. And then the memory of my grandma came into my mind. "Little Y/N. You are very special. As a descendant of the dragon king toothless, and the last one who will have the white to prove it, do great things in your life. And when ever you are feeling down and need help, just remember, we will always be with you no matter what happens."

I opened my eyes and with whatever strength I had left, used my wings to go to the top as fast as I could. When I broke through the top of the water, and clung to the shoreline, I coughed up a storm. After coughing up all of the water I sat there and looked at myself in the water again. It had been along time since I have remembered much about my grandma she was my favorite dragon in the world. Her wisdom and kindness is what made her the alpha above my grandpa. I sat there looking and thinking. What am I thinking? Ten years and to end it like this. I sighed. And made my way out of the water and dried off, and headed to the most treasured and protected of the mountain. Toothless's tail fin shrine.

I got up to it and looked at it. The fin was sitting up against the wall with some crystals surrounding it. My grandma as alpha had the job of keeping it clean and maintaining it. While it might not be as through as a human doing it, it has survived for the last 800 years. I have been keeping up on its maintenance. My grandma showed my how before she died, and so every day for the last ten years I have kept up on its maintenance. It was easier when I was little and I was able to really make sure every inch was cleaned and maintained. But as I grew older it had gotten harder, but it still was in good condition.

I looked at it, and looked at my tail. With the left one lost in the battle between Muzan and his demons 10 years ago when my grandparents died. I have grown since then and now I should be big enough to wear the tail fin. I thought about plan. Ok, so I could stay here until i die, or I can actually do something with my life and take a risk. I looked over to the entire of the mountain, and the snow falling slowly. (Sigh) Well, I can survive in the cold. Just have to find a safe spot to sleep at night. So....." I looked back at the tail fin. I'll hopefully find someone who can help me get it on. So when I do get it on, I can finally get the hell in the air. For the first time in 10 years. Let's hope I remember how to fly.

I nodded to myself and decided that I will leave tomorrow. Hopefully the weather isn't as bad. So I went down to the shoreline again to actually eat.

After eating some fish I went out to the entrance, and felt the cold winter air on me. I sniffed the air felt the snow land on my face. I sat there taking the moment in. I stayed there for a few minutes before going back inside to warm up. Then I realized that what's stopping me from leaving now. It's barely even been two hours since I woke up, and I don't want to wait another day.

So I made up my mind. I went down to the shoreline to get a few more fish in me so I could hopefully last a little while. And then I ran back up to the shrine where the tail fin laid. I stood there looking at it. I sat down and bowed my head in respect for Toothless, as his tail fin, would finally go to use.

I grabbed the tail fin in my mouth and went to the entrance. I stopped at the very end of the cliff at the entrance and looked upon the surrounding snow covered forest. And then I looked back at my home. The home that I have been in for the past 15 years. Seeing the memories flash by in my mind. The happiness, sadness, trauma that has all taken place here. I looked at it all and said to myself. Even thought I am leaving. This will still be my home. Before I left I grabbed a small crystal that was on the shrine, as for safety and in the hope that toothless is looking down upon me as a protector.

I ran back to the edge of the cliff and jumped off looking at the ground bellow. While I could not fly, I was able to use my wings, to at least glide. And I kept my right tail fin closed to I could at-least balance out. With then tail fin in my mouth and the crystal in my claw, I have finally left my old life, to hopefully find a fresh start somewhere.

(I hope this was ok. So Y/N has no human form. I hope you guys liked it and have a good day.)

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