Final selection.

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We got to the final selection grounds just after dark. We walked through was seemed like an endless wall of wisteria. Wow. We walked in through a path. "I thought It was out of season." Tanjro said. I smelled the flowers. We then got to some stone steps. "Ok." Tanjiro said. "Just stay past the tree line. And try not to make any huge sounds." He said. I looked at him. "I'll be ok." He looked at me. We hugged. Just in case.

I made my way into the wisteria woods. I circled around the area where the people where waiting. I then noticed two girls with lanterns. "Good evening. Tonight you've come to enter the demon slayer corps final selection. Thanks you all for being here."they both said. "
"Here on mount fujikasne, there are several demons that were captured alive by demon slayer swordsmen. They are kept here for this event."
"The wisteria blossoms prevent them from leaving. They bloom on this mountain year- round. And they cover everything from the base to half way to the top."
"But the wisteria ends here. So demons are bound from this point on. And they're very hungry."
"In order to complete final selection. You must survive for seven days. Beyond the wisterias protection."

"Now, your trial begins." They both said. Seven days. Man, hopefully there's a river on the mountain. I saw tanjro start to move. Ok, here we go. I watched everyone start to go in. I'll just go through the side. But I stopped. Do I go through this, or through the gate. Everyone went through the gate. Um... then one of the girls looked my way. "Are you gonna go in?" I ducked. How'd they know I was here? Did they hear me? I slowly moved through the trees into the clearing. Both the girls let out a small gasp at seeing what I was. "Oh.. there is a river on the north side of the mountain." One of them said. I slightly nodded. And walked through, as I noticed the one with the black hair, looked star struck. Ok. I put my head towards her, and she put her hand on my head. The other girl did too. They let out a little giggle.

I then made my way through the gate, into the demon infested woods.

I made my way into the woods. Everyone had scattered. Ok, Seven days. The girl said there's a river on the mountain, but that's north. Tanjro would be heading where the sun will hit first, so east. I looked east. Should I go with him... or should I go alone? I felt torn. I closed my eyes. Where does my heart want to go? I felt as if my heart pointed east. Ok. I then made my way east. "Oh, and make sure you protect the crystal." I heard toothless running beside me. "Of course I will, but there were plenty of times during training that I might have broke. So why are you telling me now?" I asked. "Because those crystals are special. Not just that one with my soul in it. The crystals from the hidden world, especially the hidden world mountain are great for keeping demons back. The only reason they were even able to go in that time, was probably because Kibutsuji was there. So any demon who wanted to leave at all wasn't going to disappoint him." He said. "And also because if it breaks, I won't be able to talk to you anymore." I stopped running. "Your telling me this now!?"

"Sorry, I just thought of it now." He said. I stomped the ground. "Listen, just be careful with it. The demons here are probably low level. So the crystal should easily scare them away." He said. I looked at him. "And I'm also here to say I'm proud. To fallow your heart, and go for tanjro. That's loyalty." He said, looking very proud and kinda sad. We then heard some rustling from behind me. "You take care of them. Remember your training." He said and disappeared into the crystal. Ok. I turned around. "I can't wait to have some huma-" a demon came running through the woods. "A dragon!?" He yelled, and stopped. "I thought they all had left." He said, and tried to run away. I ran after him. He jumped up in trees and tried to flee. No you don't. I used my wings to move in front of him. "Ahhh!" He tried to run away again. Dragon breathing, 2 form: stoker slash! I twirled around, and hit my tail fin like a whip against his neck. "Gah!" His head got ripped off and when I turned back around, I blasted the base of the neck.

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