The Hidden world.

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Y/N took in a deep breath doing breathing. Flying faster and faster, and getting higher and higher. He got above the clouds, and took one more deep breath, and pushed himself with his wings as hard as he could. Blasting across the sky. He felt the wind across his body and looked and checked the tail. Its good. He looked back up and kept flying.

By sunset, he had flown all day. He had lowered his altitude, and was looking around.

"Granda, where is the hidden world from here?"

"If you fly directly from the mouth of the mountain, and straight. You will find it."

Y/N had kept the mouth of the mountain as a point of direction. Its mouth pointed South east, and the town they where just in was just next to the straight line of the mountains mouth and the sea. He looked around, not knowing where it would pop up, but knowing it was far.

By dark, Y/N was getting tired of flying, but just up ahead. He could see it. The whites of the waves hitting its outer edge. The mist coming up out of the mouth. The entrance to the hidden world. He smiled. Home.... He said, and flew a little faster. He got to the edge, and lended on the wet rock. He took a deep breath. "Hello?" He called out. No one answered, his call only echoing off of the rocks. He took another deep breath, and jumped into the depths.

I felt the water droplets on me, blinding me a little, and i pulled up to not crash into the water at the end. I banked a little and looked around. The rocks where laid out like it had collapsed. Giant rock formations, as if the ocean floor above had collapsed. Opening the hidden world so long ago. I looked around, there were rocks pointing upwards, as the water flowed down more little waterfalls. I saw an opening, and my gut pulled me too it. I banked hard and flew into it. Into the darkness. Then the water under me started to glow the further i went in. Woah.. then a little further ahead, some water his my head. And i opened my eyes.

There was giant rocks everywhere. Sticking up from the ground and down from the ceiling. With glowing crystals all over them. I then looked at my legs. My scales were glowing. A faint light blue was glowing around my scales and my scales glowing in color. I flew on, the cavern seeming endless. "Why dont i show you the way?" Toothless asked. "Please." I said. I followed him through the cavern. "Wow.." i said. "You haven't seen the coolest thing yet." He said and dove down. I followed him through some twists and turns. And through the end there was a light. We flew closer to it. And we got through and we saw the holy grail.

Through it was giant almost pillars of rocks. With giant almost mushroom like plants growing all around, with giant crystals connecting them. And it was now i began to see some other dragons. "Hey.." toothless gestured, and I followed him down. He took me to a hidden place. "Why are we here?" I asked. "Its gonna be a lot for them. So, just stay calm." He said. i nodded, and we got back up in the air. I followed him to a gaint light source. Some chatter amongst the dragons around me made me a bit nervous. We continued flying and there was a giant space with two gaint crystals. One on top and one on the bottom. "Your family should be on the top one." Toothless said flying up there. And i gulped, and started to follow him. But i turned away. "Y/N?" Toothless asked. And i flew to a spot to hide. "Hey, what's up?" Toothless asked coming to me. "I dont know, if i can do this? My family thinks im dead. And..." i said. "Hey, your not dead. And i think they would be super happy to see you." Toothless said. "But what about my saddle?" I asked. "What about it?" "Shouldn't i take it off?" I asked. "Keep it on. It shows youve grown. And youve got a friend to go back to. And you weren't alone." He said. I nodded, and we made our way back to the top crystal.

Y/N grabbed into the edge of it and peered in. His family in there. He recognized his mom, and his dad. Who did have some scars remaining. His older sister was laying next to his mom. "Go on." Toothless said. Y/N climbed a little further. "H-hello." He said nervously. His dad looked at him. "Hello, how ca—" he went silent. "Y-Y/N?" He asked shakily. Y/N nodded. "Sorry it took so long for me to get here." Y/N said. Both his mom and sister were looking at him. They ran towards him and saw his white spot on his nose, and his smell. And most importantly his saddle and tail. "It- it cant be." His mom said. He looked down. "Why'd you leave?" He asked. he started crying. "We- didnt have a choice." His mom said. He looked up. "Y/N.." they heard behind us. It was the decendant of Hookfang. "Oh hey." His eyes widened. "You need to get outta here." He said.

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