The return.

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1500 years ago.
Hiccups ship came close to the rocks surrounding the giant hole in the ocean. It was just him. Astrid has passed away a week prior. And now it was his time. He Dropped the anchor. It was night. And through the darkness he could outline a dragon. I came close to his boat and landed. It looked at him. "Can you take me to your dad?" Hiccup asked. The nightlight nodded and helped hiccup into his back.

They flew up into the sky as hiccup looked back to the boat. Goodbye. They flew into the hidden world. He closed his eyes. They flew through the entrance.

They flew through, going into the hidden world. We're dragons lived and thrived. He looked around and listened. It was as if the world around him was singing. The music of dragons. As if the world was singing to his arrival.

The dragon turned and went down a tunnel. The tunnel walls were covered in the crystals from outside. But then they began change. The crystals were becoming smaller. And then they stopped. Then new crystals appeared. Lodged in the walls. And they glowed as they moved through the tunnel.

The tunnel beagn to get bigger, until they were out of the tunnel. And could see little glowing lights on the walls of what seemed to be a giant underground dome. Hiccup looked down to see Dragons sitting around a table. On the table he saw Toothless. The dragon he was riding landed next to the table. Hiccup got off. A few of the dragons there looked alarmed to see a human. The rumble horns moved, and growled. Toothless then moved, and roared to stay back. Then he fell back down. He was weak.

Hiccup put his hand on toothless. "Hey bud." He said, and went to toothless snout. Toothless made a weak noise. He then made another noise and hiccup looked over. Another Night fury came over. Hiccups eyes widened. "Y- Your not the only one." He said, and walked up to the other night fury. He stuck his hand out. The night fury moved his snout close. Toothless looked over. Hiccups put his hand down and turned to toothless. "You never cease to amaze me bud." He said with tears in his eyes. Toothlesss throat tightened, and let out a croak. Hiccup went over to him. "Thanks bud." He said and put his hand on his snout again. "Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for being there for me-" he said and hung his head crying.

"I love you bud. More than you could know. And I'll always be think about you." He said and looked. He went over to toothless tail and took off the prosthetic. It fell and hiccups body went limp. Toothless let out another call for him. And the other night fury caught hiccup. "Th-Thanks." Hiccup said. The night fury and toothless kid moves hiccup onto the same table that toothless was. They both looked at each other. "This is it, huh?" Hiccup asked. Toothless made a call. Then two crystals were brought down by another one of his kids. One was given to toothless, and another was given to hiccup. Toothless seemed to talk to the other night fury. Then one of his kids grabbed the tail. Toothless looked back at hiccup.

Hiccup smiled weakly. "Once we go, we can fly endlessly through the sky." Hiccup said, and out out his hand. Toothless put out his snout. The two touched and in that moment. They were gone. The other dragons were quite. As then both of the crystals began to glow, brighter as the souls of them entered the crystals. Then one of toothless kids went over and grabbed the crystals and gave them to the night fury chief from Japan.

Dragons let out a roar of sarrow in the death of there king, but also of remembrance of his time as king, and the both he had with his human friend. Then the tree of toothless kids grabbed the crystals, and the tail fin, and have it to the night fury chief from Japan. One stayed with at the hidden world, and was now the new king. And the other two were going to Japan. They had a moment of saying goodbye before going with the chief to Japan.

Tanjiro was sleeping. The crystal he had in his hand was beginning to glow. Tanjiro. Tanjiro lshook his head. Tanjiro. He began to toss and turn. "Tanjiro!" He opened his eyes to see you. You nudged him waking him up. "Oh.... Sorry. Just mustve been a bad dream." He said. We looked around, and noticed that the sun had set. The door opened. "Oh, you're awake." Urokodaki said. Tanjiro sat up. "Dinner is almost ready." Urokodaki said. Tanjiro got up slowly. He then walked out and sat by the pot, you sat next to him. He was looking at the crystal.

"Where'd you find that?" Urokodaki asked. "Oh, I found it in Y/N's home." He said and continued to look at it. "Well, time for dinner." Urokodaki said handing him a bowl of food. Tanjiro smiled and began to eat. Urokodaki gave me a bowl too. I began to eat.

We ate and went back to the room. Tanjiro still looking at the crystal. Nezuko came up to him and set her head on his shoulder. He smiled. "I love you Nezuko." He said with a smile. Nezuko cuddled closer to him and closed her eyes. I shifted my position and curled around them. Nezuko patted me and I nuzzled her.

Tanjiro looked at the crystal. "Hey bud can you watch Nezuko for a bit. I just wanna go for a walk alone." He said. Ok? He got up and left. Nezuko turned over and cuddles around my head. I smiled and snuggled her more. I grabbed her and tossed her up and then grabbed her at the waist. I looked up at her and she looked at me with her eyes and I let her go and she landed and hugged me chest. I wrapped her up and then closed my eyes.

Tanjiro POV
I walked out into the woods around Mr. Urokodakis house. I looked down at the crystal in my hand. I headed to the clearing where Sabito and Mokomo trained me. I sat next to the cut in half boulder. "What is with this crystal? It's so.... Odd. It's like it's calling out to me. But how? It's a crystal." I said to myself. I sighed. "Finally, got you alone." I heard a voice say. My eyes widened and I jumped up, I looked and I saw a kid. He looked right around my age. He was skinny and had brown hair. He was wearing a green long sleeve shirt, and had a fur vest on. I looked at him up and down and saw that his left leg just passed his knee, there was a prosthetic. "Wow, what happened to your leg!?" I asked. "Oh, I lost it when fighting the red death. You don't know what that is. Ok...." He said. Red death? "Ok. So I'm dead." He said. I nodded. "I kinda figured. But how am I seeing you?" How did I see them? How did I feel there hands, and the weight of there swings.

"Well look. My name is hiccup." He said. "Hiccup?" I asked. "Great name, I know." He said. I looked at him weird. "Look. I'm dead. And my soul is in that crystal. And I'll be with you. Teaching you some tips and tricks with flying." He said. "What do you know about flying?" I asked. He smiled. "Well......... there were dragons when I was a boy."

(Boom. Cliffhanger. Ok I know it's been forever. Here's the short version. I took an unofficial like month and half long writing break. But I'm getting back into it. So, I hope you liked the chapter. I'm really gonna try to update more frequently. So yeah. I hoped you liked it. Stay safe.)

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