Meeting the blacksmith

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Y/N point of view.
"Grandma, what are demon slayers?" I asked. My grandma looked at me surprised that I knew that term, she smiled and pulled me closer. "The demon slayers are the ones who protect the people of Japan. They carry a sword and can hold there own with even some of the most powerful demons." She replied. "Do they know about us?" I asked. She nodded. "Long ago, when the demons first appeared, the demon slayers came to ask for help from us. And the alpha of the time went alone. But he noticed that the demon slayers weren't fully trusting in us and locked him up. And after he escaped, many dragons returned to the hidden world out of fear." I looked confused. "Why didn't they trust us?" I asked. My grandma snuggled me. "Humans are curious creatures. Every single of is different. And they don't trust what they don't know." She said, and gave me a kiss on the head. "Do you think they would trust us now?" I asked. She looked up to the sky as we were sun bathing. "I don't know. Many years have passed since then. And there isn't many night fury's around. They might not think that we are even here anymore." She said then started to clean my wings. "Would you trust them?" I asked she stopped. "Trust is a hard thing. Once broken it's hard to trust again. But....." she looked at me and said. "Trusting someone is putting your faith into them, not even knowing what's going on in there head. So if you ever run into a demon slayer do what you feel is right. You can trust them, but be careful. Trust is a fragile thing, so it can easily be broken." My grandma gave me a another kiss and then she got a call from someone inside the mountain. "Gotta go. Come back in soon." She said and flew into the mouth of the mountain. I sat there thinking of her words. Trust is fragile, and it can easily be broken. So be careful who you trust.

Flashback over.
It had been two days since me and Giyu has left Nezuko and the boy in the woods. And we have traveled a good distance away from The hidden world mountain. We had taken breaks at points since I didn't have an mush stamina as Giyu which showed me that flying would be difficult, since it's been 10 years my body had grown but I'm not accustomed to flying at my current size. I have glided but actually flying would be different. I need to make sure that my wings ares strong enough to get my body off the ground. "You ready to go again dragon. This is the final stretch." Giyu said. I nodded and got up. I grabbed the tail fin in my mouth carefully, and my crystal. We then started running again.

We ran for a little over 2 hour's, and eventually we saw a village. "This is the village we're the blacksmith lives." Giyu said. We ran on the ran out of the village and a little far into the woods. There was a house with a chimney. I could smell the fire and hear the sounds of metal being forged. This is it. We stopped a little wash away from the house and Giyu went inside to talk to the blacksmith. I could hear a little bit. "Oh, Giyu nice to see you again." The blacks smith said. "Nice to see you too Mr. Muramasa." Giyu said the him. "So what brings you here?" Mr. Muramasa asked. "Well, I have a customer who is in need of help. They have a old mechanical item that I think you would be very interested in." Giyu said. "Very well then. Let's meet this mechanism. Where is the customer?" Muramasa said. "They are outside. They are not your typical customer." Giyu said. I saw them both come outside. Mr. Muramasa looked to be in his late 40s. He had a leather apron on and had a small beard. He was lightly built and had a very odd but somewhat welcoming scent. "Ok where is the customer?" He asked. Giyu looked my direction. "You can come out." He said to me. Ok, I hope he doesn't freak out. I slowly moved out from behind a tree and into the light. Once I was visible Mr. Muramasa's face looked astonished. "G-Giyu. This.. this is.... A Dragon!" He said with his hands up in the air. He came closer to me slowly, and I set down the tail fin and crystal. "Oh, my goodness." He looked like he was gonna cry. "Mr. Muramasa?" Giyu asked. "Oh I'm sorry." Mr. Muramasa began. "My grandparents would always tell me stories about the dragons. About the mountain in which they lived. My grandparents were always fascinated with them and trying to prove there existence, but in doing so met there demise to demons." He said which made me feel empty for him. Mine too. He slowly made his way closer with his hand stretching out. "I just wish they were here to see one." He said. I pu my head in his hand feeling his rough, but gentle touch. We caught a glimpse on eye contact, but in the moment there was a feeling that I have never felt before. "Oh, your a magnificent creature. Don't worry I will keep your existence a secret." He scratched my head and it felt pretty good.

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