The master, and the hashira.

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The demon slayer members whose job was the clean up of any big battle like this lead Y/N. From behind him, the butterfly lady came up behind him and gave him a sedative. He flinched at the small poke in his back. "Don't worry, you'll be asleep soon." She said with a smile. Y/N, opened his wings an flew up to try to get away. Damn, they still don't trust dragons huh??

From down below, the butterfly lady jumped in the air, and threw a bola in the air at Y/N. The bola flew in the air, and hit him tangling it him up, and hitting his tail, breaking it. The crystal came from its place, and Y/N quickly moved to grab it with his mouth. Got it. The sedative began to hit him, he was feeling drowsy, and was falling into the ground. He hit a tree breaking it, and fell onto the ground. His saddle was being ripped from the wood and the ground. And after tumbling for a while. He stopped, and winced at the pain a bit. The wind was knocked out of him, he was on the verge of falling asleep. The crystal was in his mouth. He kept himself from swallowing it. He kept it under his tongue.

He took a second to catch his breath. And he heard footsteps coming close. "It went to this way." He heard, and as he tried to fight falling asleep. He saw some of the corpses members coming close, as he reluctantly gave into sleep.

Tanjiro, Nezuko, Inosuke, and Zenitsu were all moved to the Demon slayer Corps headquarters. Y/Ns body was moved onto a wagon, and the remains of his saddle, and tail were picked up. After a couple hours journey to the headquarters. Y/n was still asleep. With multiple people carrying him, he was locked into place. Using roped, and a giant color around his neck.

"It's waking up." One of them said. Y/N slowly woke, and and could feel himself stuck. He quickly began to move to fight it. And he was started calling it, and they put a muzzle on him, with a metal piece on his mouth. He mouth was forced shut, and he could only move and groan. "Okay, thats is. It can't move, and it has no remains of its saddle left." One of them said. "This feels a little... wrong dont you think?" Another one of them asked. "Apparently it has a bond with that boy and his sister, and they dont want it to get in the way of the trail. Just be ready for when its trail is ready." They said. Y/N listen, and could still feel the crystal in his mouth. They put him again on a low sitting wagon and carried him close to the area of the trail.

Y/N looked, it was a big sized place. And he was moved a bit away from a building. And outside it where he couldn't see, he could hear some people talking. "Let's cover it up. Until it's time." One of the people said. They covered Y/N with a cloth, and his breathing increased. He was scared. No way to fly. He was completely helpless. And in the hands of the people who were holding him. He closed his eyes, and remembered back to the mountain, the hidden world. He'd rather himself go through this, than his sister, or father or mother. "Okay. The trail will be starting any minute. Move to the area, and make sure that it's faced to see the master." One of the people said. "Got it." The other said. The two began to move Y/N to the area of the trail. Where the Hashira were questing Tanjiro.

"I know she can fight as a demon slayer to protect humans. So please." Tanjiro said begging for Nezukos life. "Well well. What kind of fun do we have brewing here?" The wind hashira asked walking up with Nezukos box in his hand. "Shinosugawa. Please dont act out of line." The incest hashira said. "Run that by me again kid. "She can fight as a demon slayer to protect humans" was that it? You know what we call that?" The hashira asked reaching for his sword. "Absolutely impossible you idiot!" He said, and grabbed his sword, and stabbed Nezuko through the box. Nezukos winced from being stabbed. Y/Ns tendrils twitched from hearing her in pain. Tanjiro stood up.

"Anyone who harms my sister answers to me. I dont give a damn if your one of the hashira." Tanjiro said. The hashira laughed,and pulled out his sword from nezukos box. "Well how very nice for you." The wind hashira said. Tanjiro yelled at the man. "Cease this. The master will be arriving shortly." Giyu yelled. Tanjiro charged the wind hashira and jumped up dodging the hashiras slash. He head butted the hashira which made him collapse. The love hashira let out a giggle. Tanjiro got up, and infront of Nezukos box.

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