The start of the fight.

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Inosuke was done waiting. He jumped up, bursting his head through the ceiling. "Come on out Mice, and bring my swords!" He yelled. From the darkness of the attic, two mice with muscular figures carried Inosukes swords too him. Inosuke smiled. He took off the robe, and got his pants on. He then put on his boar head. He ran out of the room, terrifying the woman of the house. "Theres a wild boar man!" One yelled. "What?" Then Inosuke appeared, and freaked three of them out. He found the demons burrow under the floor boards. He tried to jump in. "Haha! That might've stopped others. But it's not gonna stop lord Inosuke!" He yelled, and began to dislocate all of his joints. "In other words, as long as my head fits i can go anywhere!" He yelled, and began to swim down the tunnel like a worm.

Tanjiro headed back to the Oirans house. It's strong. He opened the window. "Ms. Koinatsu!" He yelled. He gasped at what he saw. "Are you a demon hunter?" The demon asked. She was dressed in rather suggestive clothing. She had a belt around her waist, that was also wrapping around the Oiran. He mouth was covered, and only her had was visible. "Is there a hashira with you, or is he on his way now?" She asked. "I can tell you're not a hashira, you seem far too weak. I have no use for anyone who's not one, understood?" She asked. "In case your wondering, i dont devour dirty people or anyone ugly for that matter." She said gazing at tanjiro. Her eyes showing her rank. "Let that poor woman go!" Tanjiro said bringing his sword out. "Just who do you think you're talking to? How dare you?" The demon asked angrily.

The next moment, tanjiro was pushed into the roof of the building across the pathway. He laid in shock for a moment. He coughed. She's so fast. I didnt see her move. This is an upper rank. Tanjiro was panting. His body was numb, and his limbs where without strength. He slowly stood up. "Are you still alive?" He heard as the demon was sitting on the wall across from him. "Well, looks like you're tougher than i thought. And those eyes of yours are lovely, aren't they? So lovely i might just have to gouge them out and gobble them up." She said licking her lips.

The strap on the box broke, and tanjiro put it down. "Sorry Nezuko, the shoudler strap broke. I can't carry you while i fight." Tanjiro said. "Don't leave that box unless you feel your life is in danger." Tanjiro said. The demon giggled. "Water breathing, fourth form.." tanjiro charged the demon. The demon charged as well, her belt moving at her will. "Striking tide, turbulent." Tanjiro said, and deflected attacks from the belt. The demon, commanded the belt to move at tanjiro. Four pieces coming together, and pushed tanjiro higher into the sky. He fended himself off, attack after attack. As  the demon hit his blade, and pushed him down to the ground. He quickly got to his footing, and landed next to the Oiran, who he had cut out of the belt.

The demon got to her feet on the ground. "Color me impressed, you did cut Koinatsu out of my belt. Fine swordsman ship." The demon said. Tanjiro looked back, and kept his stance. Upper rank six, can I do it. Alone? No, i have to. Tanjiro adjusted his stance, and was ready to keep fighting.

Inosuke worked his way into the demons layer. Which was a giant whole in the ground. With belts like the demons stung across the place. Inosuke, bumped into a pile of human bones while taking it all in. He looked over, to see Zenitsu trapped in the belt as well. "What's he doing here?" He asked. "That's a question i should be asking you." He heard a voice from behind him. "How would you like it if someone started messing with your food? Dirty man. You reek of fifth. Disgusting." A belt appeared with eyes and a mouth. "Look who's talking you worm. Gross." Inosuke yelled back. "You dare insult me." The demon cloth said, amd charged Inosuke. Insouke sliced at the belt. And dodged attacked, slicing more and more. "Theres no way an attack from an overweight worm could ever hope to land on lord Inosuke." He yelled, slashing as more of the belt. He cut some of the woman free from the belt. And they landed on the ground.

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