The new dragon riders.

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Y/N followed Akeno out of the demon slayer corp headquarters. He had eaten and gotten a drink, and was feeling better, but the bruises from hitting all of those tree still stung a bit. "Okay over here." Akeno said, and took Y/N into the woods, where Kaina was waiting. "Hey girl. Im back, and i brought a friend." Akeno said. Kaina made a happy chirping sound when she saw Y/N. Y/N's eyes lit up with excitement seeing his friend again. "Okay Y/N. You ready?" Akeno asked getting on Kaunas saddle. Her saddle was bigger, and had a handle to grab onto, with as small back rest. "Okay, let's take him home girl." Akeno said rubbing Kainas head.

Kaina got in the air, and Y/N looked at the tail, and moved it. It was working. He took a deep breath, and got himself into the air as well. "Okay. Lets go." Akeno said, and began to fly towards the hidden world mountain.

Tanjiro was back in bed, resting up more. The cuts on his face were healing well. "So, who's Y/N?" Zenitzu asked. "Um... well. He had left before i met you guys. And came back just before the hashira came to me on the mountain." Tanjiro said. "Okay. But you were talking about him kinda strangely." Zenitzu said. "Y/N, is a dragon." Tanjiro said. "A dragon? Oh wait. I heard the lady who yells at me about my medicine talking about a dragon. She called them fairytales." Zenitzu said. Tanjiro huffed, and looked at his hand. The feel of Y/N's scales didnt seem like a fairytale. "Well. I dont wanna talk about it too much. Im just glad he's going somewhere he can get the care he needs." Tanjiro said, laying down in bed and covering himself in his blanket. He was feeling guilt. He had toothless's crystal in his hand. But he lost hiccups.

Mitusuri, the love Hashira. Was still at the headquarters. "I wonder if that dragon is okay. Maybe i could pay it a visit." She said, getting up from her seat. "The dragon?" A kakushi asked. "Hmm?" Mitusri asked. "The dragon left mam. It's going somewhere more suited for its needs." The kakushi said. "Are you sure?" Mitsuri asked. "Yes mam. I saw it leave myself."

The master sat in a room, with Hiccups crystal in his hand. "Theres someone here, isnt there? Please, id be happy to have a talk." The master said. Hiccup was kinda willing to talk. But was unsure on how this man would take is more Viking like demeanor.

As Kaina, Akeno and Y/N flew high up in the clouds. Y/Ns body became more sore by the minute. He was worried that he would lose his other tail wing. "It's gonna be coming up." Akeno said back to Y/N. He got a bit closer, and through the clouds. He could see the hidden world Mountain. And as they got closer, he realized how much time had passed, and how much Akeno and Mr. Murmasa had really done. Coming from the east of the north facing mountain face. Y/n could see a large structure on around the mountains entrance, and around its base. He let out a surprised purr. "Me and Kaina found a lot of dragons. And in doing so found a lot of people who were in need. In Japanese history, dragons are seen as creatures of wisdom and redemption. And many who've seen these dragons as pests and monsters. Have now made a place here." Akeno said.

Getting closer, and flying over some of the outer walls of the buildings around the base. There was people working with dragons. "We've taken a lot of time documenting the dragons. Before you guys left, Hiccup helped us with starting a catalog." Akeno said, and she landed on a landing platform. "Let's just say. His old Viking way kinda rubbed off on me and my grandpa." She said. Taking Y/N through a door big enough for a monstrous nightmare, and inside the hidden world mountain. Seeing the inside of his old home look so different made Y/N speechless.

Inside was about 20 people. They all were moving around, it seemed busy. In places that used to be nests. Where now beds for dragons. Some of the crystals have been moved. There was more room for little huts inside, for different people. "Akeno. Your back." A man said. "Nice to see you." Akeno said. Y/N looked around, and some people were looking at him with some amazement. "Hey Akeno." A man said. "Oh, hey Koega." Akeno said. "Y/N this is Koega. The first person to come here. One of the founders." Akeno said. Koega looked at Y/N. "It's nice to meet you, Y/N. Man, you look beat up. What happened?" Koega looked at Y/N, gently looking at his bruises. "Im not certain. But it looks like he fell into tree, more than once. He can't fly with out a tail wing. And his last one was broken. So he's here to get a new one, a new saddle. And get healed up." Akeno said. "Well. Id be happy to help." Koega said. "Okay, well this is all new for him. So let's touch back later." Akeno said. "You got it." Koega said.

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